27; Bad Boy's Loss

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There's an awful stench that lingers in the air. Like a mix of sewer water and dead rats.

I slowly open my eyes, groaning when pain shoots up my spine and up to my head. It feels as though someone rammed a car into the left side of my head. I try to move my arms and legs, only to realise I'm tied to a wooden chair. I try to free myself, but it's tied so tight every time I move, my skin burns.

I wail, tears streaming down my face. I feel furious, but all I can do right now is cry and hope that whoever is behind all this won't kill me.

I look around with blurry eyes, scoping the place out for any clues as to where I am. The room is dim except for the light hanging right above my head. There is one door but no windows. I squint my eyes to look at the door. There's something engraved on it, but it's too dark to see. I hear water dripping in the corner off the room, but I can't see anything. 

I keep moving my feet, trying to escape free from the restraint of the rope, but all I am doing right now is cutting off my blood circulation. "Someone help me," I mutter to myself through sobs. I feel completely helpless and at the mercy of whoever it is that put me here.

That bitch, Eleanor. I knew there was something fishy about her as soon as I met her at the gym the first time.

I shut my mouth, trying my best to cry as silently as possible when I hear heavy footsteps nearing the door. The person unlocks the door and opens it. A burly man steps inside. I can't see his face properly until he steps closer.

He is holding a tray off what I am assuming is food. He grunts when he comes into view. Now that he's close enough I can see him properly. His eyebrows are pierced, and the tattoo of a woman peeks out of his black shirt.

"Hey, where am I?" I ask softly at first so that he doesn't get mad. He doesn't respond as he sets the tray on the table beside me. "Why am I here?" I ask but gain no response from him yet again.

I look at the tray of food. There are boiled broccoli and carrots, mashed potatoes, and burnt slices of meat. There's no steam coming out of it so it must be cold. They also gave me a full glass of water on the side.

He picks the spoon up, scooping some mashed potatoes and then putting a slice of meat on top. I turn my head away when he holds the spoon in front of my mouth. He grabs my chin in his hand, pressing the tip of the spoon to my lips. I press my lips together forcefully. I currently have no appetite to stomach anything.

I'm shocked when he pries my mouth open with his hand and force the food into my mouth. I gag, spitting the food out. "I don't want to eat!" I yell, but quickly regret it when pain struck my head. Eleanor punched me so hard I'm surprised I didn't get memory loss.

The spoon clatters on the tray, and the man exits the room, leaving me behind with the tray of food. He leaves the door open behind him. This might just be my chance to escape.

"Well, this is lovely." A voice echoes from the doorway.

"Who's there?" I mumble, the tears on my cheeks starting to dry up.

Someone steps into the light, laughing all the way. I shiver with fear. "I'm Eric Reese, pleasure meeting you." The man smiles. His hair is charcoal black, but I can see the roots are starting to grey. If I didn't know any better, I would think he was a good man behind that warm smile, but kidnapping someone and then tying them to a chair hardly seems nice to me.

"What do you want?"

He dips a finger into the mashed potatoes on my food tray and licks his finger clean. "I hope my brother didn't hurt you too badly."

"Claude?" I ask, confused.

"Yes, that's his name. I told him and little Eleanor to leave the torturing to me, but they just never listen to me."

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