18; Bad Boy's Last Kiss

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just a little itty bitty kissing promise i seriously can't stop writing these scenes they're so deliciously hot ugh i want a hunter kings

^^ my absolute fave song rn ugh so good


I watch as Emily walks across the school parking lot, completely oblivious to the fact that I am leaning on the school building waiting for my mother to pick me up. She smiles when she sees Rylan and returns it with a grin, opening his arms and embracing her. It's moments like these that make me think he really isn't as bad as I think he is. I get so defensive that he might hurt Emily, but she seems happy with him. Ever since Hunter came back, she started eating regularly again and also hanging out with Rylan more.

I watch as Rylan's car pull out of the school ground and sigh. I am just at the edge of giving up. Hunter hasn't talked to me since Saturday night and it's now Thursday already. It feels so strange to have him drop me off and then not say goodbye. I have to avoid him for now. He's been so secretive about everything that now when I look at him I just see a walking puzzle. 

Thunders start to rumble. The world is dark again, almost like it's matching my mood. I should be focusing on graduating but here I am worrying more about someone who I shouldn't be involved with. He's too mysterious and unpredictable. I want to stay away, but I also want to know more. There's something about him that intrigues me. From other people's perspective, I might be stupid for not staying away, and I agree. Hunter Kings is dangerous and I should be staying away, but why can't I? It can't possibly be this hard. There is definitely something wrong with me.

"Leah," a voice greets me. I twist my neck up to see Matthew towering over me. He's not as tall as Hunter, but he still makes me feel like a mice staring at a giraffe.

"Hey, Matt. I am sorry I haven't texted you. I wanted to apologise to you for my outburst last week on Saturday. I hope you were alright with taking Vanessa home."

He awkwardly smiles. "Yeah, I wanted to talk to you about that." He hesitates, scratching on the back of his neck like he's going to regret what he's about to say. "When I went to the toilet that night, Vanessa came in and we..."

"You don't have to tell me." I cut him off. He gulps, sighing. "I already knew, Matt. It's okay. We're better off being friends anyway."

He sighs again, hanging his head down and shaking his head. "I am seriously sorry. I shouldn't have done it. I was there with you, but then Vanessa came and I just, I don't know. I should have walked out."

I smile. "We went to a food festival and went back home with an empty stomach."

He laughs, mood lifting slightly. "Sorry about that. I bet you were starved. How about we go get dinner tomorrow night? As friends?"

I nudge his arm with mine teasingly. "Where were you thinking of going, new friend?"

He shrugs. "I heard some people talking about the French Dip Lounge at Church Street. Apparently, they have great french fries and the best beef burger in town. Have you been there?"

"No. I'll meet you there at 6. Sounds good?"

"Yeah. I gotta go. I'll see you tomorrow night, okay? Bye, Leah."

Just as our conversation ends I see my mum's car entering the school premises. I run toward it just as soon as the rain starts to gush.

"Hey, can I go to the French Dip Lounge with Matt tomorrow night?"

My mum looks at me questioningly as she continues driving. She doesn't even reply until we're well away from school. "You're actually serious about him, aren't you?"

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