6; Bad Boy's Own Mistake

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The cars are lurching fast on the road, splashing puddle water all over the bus stop where I am currently seated waiting for the bus to come. The rain is pattering loudly onto the roof of the bus stop and is only getting louder as time passes. I have no choice other than to stay under the shelter of the bus stop and try to avoid the splashes of water from the vehicles passing by.

Detention was extremely humiliating. Hunter had come in, looking gorgeous as usual. As soon as he came in Serena stopped her blabbering and froze, her eyes fixated on Hunter. I can't really blame her. He can be intimidating at times. I'm talking about the 'he's-too-hot-and-definitely-out-of-my-league' intimidating.

So as I was saying, Serena, as usual, was struck by Hunter. Hunter chose to sit in front of Serena but was literally facing her the whole time. It was so unnerving to watch them undress each other with their eyes. The thought of it just makes me shiver. Gross. Rosaria didn't even glance at them once.

I was minding my own business, trying way hard to block out the hushed whispers of them flirting. I tried really hard. I really did, but I got tired of them eventually. Just as soon as I was about to tell them to be quiet Ms Rosaria announced that she had to get something from her office. Perfect.

I waited for her to exit before turning to them both. "Guys," I yelped. They went silent in a heartbeat. "This is detention. Not speed dating. You guys need to be quiet."

They only stayed that way for about a minute or two but started a conversation again when they thought I wasn't paying attention. I kept silent, though, trying to focus on my book. It was one of those moments where you read the words, but your brain isn't processing any of it.

"What wedged itself up her ass?" Hunter had whispered to Serena. I lowered my book a little to peek at them. Serena shrugged, eyes still trained on Hunter.

"Serena," I mumbled.

She glanced at me, smile widening. "Yes?" She answered.

I set my book down on the table and rested my arm on the table just below the book. "Can you recall that time you sat next to me in that one class?"


"I thought you said you were a lesbian."

Hunter straightened his posture. "Are you sure it wasn't you the one who said that?" He remarked playfully. Serene giggled.

"Yeah, the more I see you the more I consider going lesbian," I snapped. Like always, he smirked at the comeback but didn't look remotely hurt at what I said. Maybe he was just used to it.

"Okay, I know I said what I said. I am a lesbian but I'm also gay."

Both me and Hunter looked at each other with confusion. It took some time to process it in my head but... It never did.

"I like both girls and boys." She explained. I nodded, hesitantly.

"Wait, so do you mean bisexual?" Serena slowly turned her head to look at Hunter, her smile slowly transforming into a frown. I watched, intrigued by why she looked so offended all of a sudden.

Hunter didn't look like he was going to even flinch if Serena punched him. "You're not mad, are you?" Serene asked in a low voice.

Hunter looked even more confused than I probably was. "I don't have anything against bisexual people."

"No. I mean, that we hooked up and all. I've kissed girls before."

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