29; Bad Boy's Perspective

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Stars fading but I linger on dear

Still craving your kiss 

~ dream a little dream of me


Hunter's Point of View

I know this is the breaking point of my patience. I know if I explode, I'll do something I will regret. I need to speak with Eleanor with my head screwed on straight or she's going to see right through me and be one step ahead of me.

My foot feels heavy on the gas pedal. I can't think of anything except Leah's words and her fucking lips pressed against mine in that hospital elevator. Everything about her drives me crazy. Her stupid smile, her dark eyes, the smell of her perfume, her lips, everything about her is slowly turning me insane. If I fail at getting answers out of Eleanor I am going to blame her for being a distraction.

My fingers are curled tight around my stirring wheel. I can hear Eric's neck snapping beneath my hands and it feels damn good. I can feel my fist smashing against the bridge of his nose, breaking it like it's pencil. I have to stay on track, though. One slow step at a time, starting with Eleanor.

I park my car on the side of the road and grab my sports bag from my trunk. Being seen in my uniform would be dangerous so I find a public toilet nearby and change out of my uniform and into my boxing clothes. I'm going to get answers from Eleanor whether she wants to or not. Judging from the fact that she's probably a gold digger for my old man, I think she'd put up quite a fight.

All these times I spent chit-chatting with her I could've used to squeeze answers out of her. She was watching me this whole time and I never suspected a thing. If Leah didn't say anything, I don't think I would've ever known Eleanor is more than what meets the eyes.

I clamp my jaw as hard as I can. Pain is always good for distraction. The last thing I want to do is confront Eleanor with pent-up anger. My main goal is to let her know that I still trust her just long enough so I can hopefully get her somewhere a little more private. I take a deep breath. I can't afford to fuck this up.

As soon as I am inside the gym I walk to one of the benches before setting down my bag. Surprisingly, there aren't that many people here today. I try my best to secretly look around for Eleanor, but I don't see her anywhere. I decide to throw in some punches and wait until she comes. She might just be taking a break. I've been here on a Monday afternoon so I know this is her shift. I doubt she would quit after exposing herself to Leah. She doesn't want me knowing she's working for Eric. Quitting the job would only raise my suspicion after both she and Leah vanished right after my round at the tournament. 

"Hunter!" Her voice calls out. I turn, holding the punching bag in place as I do.

I pretend to smile, but inside I have the urge to kick her bare stomach. "Eleanor." She pulls me in for a hug.

"I am sorry you lost yesterday." She frowns, but I can see right through her. "There's always next month, you know?"

"I don't think I'm competing next month."

"Aw, why not?"

I shrug. "Just going to take a little break from everything. You know what? I need to take a cigarette break. Care to join me?" She's watching me carefully now. I know she's starting to get suspicious. I need to be careful when talking to this one. She's clever. "You don't have to come. I won't be long." I start to walk away.

She runs up to me, catching up as I walk up the stairs towards the main floor. "No, I'll come. I could use a cigarette or two." I hold back a smirk. The things you do to try and gain people's trust.

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