14; The Bad Boy's Back

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I round the corner, immediately spotting Cain, Kaylin, Emily, and Rylan sitting on the bench under the huge tree in the schoolyard. Like usual, Kaylin and Cain are bickering about something, and Emily is snuggled up in Rylan's arms.

As I get closer I hear Emily huff. "I just hope he'll come back soon."

I clench my jaw, the blood draining from my face. He didn't go home this morning. I thought he went home when I found my bed empty this morning. The only proof that he was there and I wasn't just dreaming was the scent of him on my pillow and Liam's used sweatpants hanging on my studying chair.

Kaylin hugs me, her face glowing with delight. "My gosh, can you believe we're actually getting out of this hellhole in a few months? We should do a road trip."

"Someone's happy today," I mumble as I sling an arm around Cain's shoulders. He pats my right ass cheek playfully as a greeting. I only chuckle, pushing myself off him and sitting beside Emily and Rylan.

Emily looks at me. "Hey," she greets solemnly.

"Hey, Em."

Rylan doesn't even look at me and instead checks out a group of girls passing by. I curl my lips in disgust. What does Emily even see in him?

"How are you holding up?" I ask.

She shrugs, leaning back to rest her head on Rylan's shoulder. "Could be better."

"Hey," I snap at Rylan. He jumps at my voice and pulls Emily closer to his chest. "Quit checking them out. Your girl is literally here."

"Leah!" Emily yells.

"He was checking them out." I point toward the girls that are just entering the school building.

Kaylin and Cain are snickering and snorting with amusement behind me. Emily isn't the slightest bit amused. She scowls, pushing herself off the bench and pulling on Rylan's hand. They walk away into the school building.

I turn back to look at Kaylin and Cain. "It just came out, okay? I'm so sick of Rylan. Did you guys see him check those girls out?"

Both of them shake their head no, still snickering under their breath.

"Ugh. You guys suck."

"And also swallow," Cain adds.

Kaylin chuckles, making a gesture of choking on a dick. Cain joins in.

"But on a more serious note, has anyone heard anything about Hunter?" Kaylin asks.

Cain shrugs. "Nope."

Before I can come up with a lie, the bell rings, cutting me off mid-thought. I'm extremely grateful for this.

"We have English together," Cain grabs my arm, pulling me off the bench too forcefully.

I yelp my complaint, but he doesn't seem to care. Kaylin follows us as we enter the building, but waves her goodbye as we get to the hallway, entering the science laboratory.

The hallway is almost deserted when Cain and I reach our class. Most people usually go straight into their classroom in the morning. Some people can't handle the cold air in the morning.

Cain and I find a seat at the back, mainly because we don't want to get caught playing on our phones or gossiping about things that aren't remotely related to class.

I inhale the warmth of the room, mentally thanking whoever invented heaters. I glance around, realising that in a few months I won't ever be stuck in this room again, pretending to be listening to the teacher standing at the front.

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