35; Bad Boy on Top of Me

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So this chapter is basically just packed with smut there is seriously nothing else but smut in this so yeah go ahead and just yeah******

W A R N I N G. Y O U. A R E. E N T E R I N G. S M U T. T E R R I T O R Y. 

"What the fuck, Hunter?"

"Stop fucking yelling at me."

I groan, pulling at my hair as I pace back and forth. "This is your fault."

"Just shut up and let me think."

"Ugh, I fucking hate you."

"You don't mean that. Get in the car, Leah."

I stand outside for a minute, my arms crossed stubbornly. Soon enough, though, it gets too cold to stay outside so I enter the car, still not looking at Hunter who is on his phone still researching for somewhere to stay. "How is this my fault?" He mumbles quietly.

I fist both of my hands to keep myself from seriously punching him. "Why don't we just keep driving and get out of here?"

"The nearest motel that's not fully booked is three hours away."

"Then start driving."

"Easy for you to say. You're going to be asleep the whole way there."

"Then what do you suggest we do? Sleep in the car?"

"We've done it before." He taps his fingers on the steering wheel, looking around the full parking lot. I do too. It's around 11 p.m but the streets are still littered with people either going to or coming back from the music festival.

"I have a friend who lives about half an hour away, but I can't guarantee a good night sleep, though."

I huff, now finally looking at him. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

He nods.


"Oh, fuck! Harder!"

I bury my head under my pillow to keep the noise out but the constant thudding of the headboard on the wall in the other room is too loud to block out. Hunter is beside me, looking unbothered as he scrolls through his phone, one arm tucked underneath his head.

"Yes! Right there!"

I groan. Do these people ever rest? They've been going at it since midnight. It is now about 1 a.m. and they have not stopped at all.

Hunter notices my distress and puts his phone on the nightstand before rolling over to me and pulling me close. I rest the side of my head on his chest, trying to focus on the calm beating of his heart. "It's only for one night."

"Will they ever stop?" I mutter tiredly. His body shakes from laughter. His warm hand is rubbing my bare arm, trying to comfort me.

"Hmm, that's going to be you tomorrow when we get our own hotel."

I self-consciously smile as I bury my face into his neck, breathing in his woodsy scent. He sighs as he lifts my chin and leans down to kiss me.

The kiss is slow and passionate, and for a moment I can't hear anything but the sound of our kiss. His hands are on my waist, holding me tight like he's afraid I would run away. At this point, I don't even think I can.

He pulls away to take a much-needed breath. The sound of moans and groans fill my ears again, but I'm too distracted by the way Hunter is looking at me to even care. "I love you," he says quietly.

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