4; Should Have Never Trusted The Bad Boy

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"Take your sweater the hell off, Leah! No one's here," Emily screams out in frustration. 

"Dude! Those group of guys there are from our school." I nod my head towards a group of students sitting just near the tree line to the right side of the area.

Emily whirls around to look at them. "They're too busy talking about their biceps. Leah, come on!" I can see the irritation coming through Emily's face now. She's already in her bright red bikini. 

"Tell your brother to stop staring first." Hunter is already in his shorts and in the water. The water where he's at only reaches up to his hips so I have a full view of his chiselled abs and glistening chest.

"Ignore him, he's going to say a dickhead comment either way." She takes the hem of my sweater. I know better than to pull away from Emily as she pulls the green sweater off me. "Much better." She throws it away neglectfully.

I ignore Hunter's lecherous gaze. He seems to notice that I'm not giving him any of my attention and eventually turns away.

The silver-blue lake water is as flat as any mirror. You wouldn't even see the small ripples if you didn't look hard enough. It just lays there like time itself has been frozen. Everything just feels so surreal. The sun is not nearly as hot as I thought it would be. "Let's go," Emily urges as she starts to trudge through the water. I start to move too, finally stepping into the water.

As soon as my feet graze the water, goosebumps start to form all over my body. Explains why no one likes to swim here in the morning. The water is ice-cold. It's almost like stepping right into a freezer. What was I thinking when I mentioned this place? There's probably less chance I would get hypothermia if I was sitting in maths class right now. Sure, I'll suffer from a little boredom, but definitely not hypothermia.

Emily isn't yelping around like I thought she would be. In fact, she's enjoying this way more than I am, and mind you, I was the one who suggested coming here. Hunter, on the other hand, is quite a distance away from us where the water is too deep for anyone's feet to reach. His dark hair is glossy and wet from the water. I can't clearly see his eyes from where I am but I'm sure it matches the colour of the moss on the rocks bordering the lake.

"Leah! You wanna jump from there?" Emily points toward a cliff. After seeing that some people are actually jumping off the thing I nod. Anything to get out of the freezing water.

As soon as I am out of the water I grab the sweater I was wearing before and put it back on, not even caring that I haven't dried off with a towel yet. I exhale a long breath when I finally regain half of my warmth back. "Em, I think I'm just going to sit in the sun for a while." Every time I exhale fog would come out of my mouth.

"Are you serious? Come on!" Emily has her arms wrapped around her to cover herself up from the occasional breeze. "Okay, whatever."

I keep walking toward the sunny part of the field. Emily follows, but when I lay down on the plush grass, she keeps going in the direction of the cliff, leaving me to sunbathe by myself. I just watch as she tries to climb up the hill to get up to the cliff.

Hunter is still treading along in the water, but he's much closer to the shoreline now. I close my eyes to force myself to push him out of my mind for the day and try to enjoy the heat of the sun.

I open my eyes a while later only to see what Emily is doing. She's still at the edge of the cliff and staring down at the water. She's doing that thing where she counts to herself again. When she does something that makes her nervous, she would always have to count to herself beforehand or she would just freeze up. Her brother is urging her to jump, but every time she looks like she's about to jump off the edge, she hesitates and steps back into the safety zone.

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