37; Bad Boy's Kind of Slumber Party

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smut ahead

w a r n i n g; smut


"I'm making mustard pork and garlic butter vegetable," my mother says when Isabella enters the kitchen. I smile as they continue to talk about cooking and walk out of the kitchen to let them have some woman to woman time alone.

Liam, Elliot, my father and Sean are outside in the backyard, probably talking and drinking some beers. I chew the inside of my lips when Emily ushers me to sit in front of the fireplace with her.

"I missed you. Have you been to Cain's gallery?" She asks straight away. "He's doing so well I don't know whether to be happy or jealous. How are you doing?"

I pick up her can of soda and take a sip. "I'm going tomorrow. I'm just going to relax for today. I literally just drove like two hours. But yeah, I'm fine. How's moving in with Cory?"

"Oh, Cory's just the greatest. I'm so happy you gave him my number. I owe you." She plucks her soda from my hand and takes two gulps before burping loudly.

I scrunch my nose. "I can smell your burp from here."

"Shut up, you pussy. Anyway, Hunter just texted me he's on the way here."

I nod. I don't even know if I'm ready to see him again. After months of barely talking to him, I feel like we're back to that point in time when he's trying his hardest to avoid me again.

It was wrong for him to go behind my back and register himself for the tournament without telling me anything, but am I prepared to forgive? What we had was so wonderful and I don't want to pass up the opportunity of being with him. I'm his. A part of me is always going to love him no matter what. It's not a simple matter of moving on. If anyone were in my shoes, they would understand.

I listen patiently as Emily rambles on about Cory, but sometimes I find myself dozing off into another world, completely blocking out her voice. "-and I was like no way and then that was when it happened. It was so funny."

I laugh along even though I do not understand what part of it was supposed to be funny. I don't have the heart to tell her to stop talking to me. She just wants to tell me about her first love.

"Oh, listen," she suddenly speaks. I turn my head when I hear the familiar rev of a motorcycle engine pulling up in front of our house. My throat seems to tighten at the thought of seeing him again. Has he changed at all? Maybe he got a few tattoos or got a new hairstyle.

My stomach shifts uneasily as I press my clammy palms onto my pants to secretly dry them. Emily sips her soda once more before standing and walking to the door, opening it just as Hunter is walking up the steps.

He greets Emily with a nod and a small 'hi'. The smell of his woodsy scent immediately fills the room. I turn my head back around as I listen to him shuffle to the kitchen and greet both my mother and his who soon after go back to their conversation on recipes for cooking pork. I swallow when I come to a realisation that the man in my backyard that a long time ago I had thought was Hunter's biological father is far from it.

I lift my hands away from my thighs but then find myself anxiously clasping and unclasping them several times when I can't seem to figure out what I should do with them. I know straight away, though, that what my hands crave for right now is to run along his soft skin, along with the callouses on his fingertips and his knuckles that still bore scars from boxing.

"Leah." His familiar voice comes from behind me. I turn again to see him putting his helmet on a table near the backyard door. I immediately stand, walk around the couch and run up to him. He opens his arm instinctively and I rush into him, embracing him as tight as I can. He lets out a huff as we collide, but I miss him too much to care. "Hey," he says softly as he cradles me.

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