26; The Bad Boy's Turn

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Have I made the right choice by coming here?

I swallow as I pay the taxi driver and watch him as he drives away. When he is finally out of view I stare ahead at the alleyway, forcing my legs to walk forward. Both of my hands are inside my pockets. My heart keeps thudding faster as I near the green door I'm dreading to see.

Before I even get to the door, it opens, and Eleanor steps out with keys in hand. She doesn't seem to notice I'm even there as she locks the door. I sigh in relief when I realise I don't need to go inside anymore. She was the exact person I wanted to meet.

I clear my throat and she whirls around, a pepper spray pointed towards me. I immediately put my hands up. "Closing up already?"

She stomps her foot, shaking her head as she turns back around and locks the place up. "Please never sneak up on me like that ever again. It's a good thing I didn't pepper spray you or I would've been looking at a lawsuit."

I chuckle nervously as she slaps me lightly on the arm. Her outfit only consists of a very revealing white blouse and a high waisted skirt with fishnets. I can only wonder how she can practically wear nothing at this temperature and weather. "We only open until four o'clock on tournament day."


"You do know the tournament isn't held here, right?"

"That's what I came here for. I need to ask you where it is."

"Oh. I'm heading there now if you want to come with me. Unless you drove here yourself."

"I haven't gotten my driver's license yet. I might do it this month."

She links her arm with mine, her red lips curved up into a grin, showing a row of pearly white teeth. "Then hop in. The tournament starts in an hour but I'm sure Hunter would want you there for moral support." She winks suggestively.

I don't say anything as I get in the car, only giving her a forced smile. She doesn't seem to notice that anything is wrong and starts up her Chevy pickup. I'm thankful that she doesn't say anything the rest of the way. I'm not in the mood for chitchats and small talks about how my day was or how I am doing. We all know when people ask that, they usually couldn't care less about how you're doing. 

When we arrive at the place, I'm not surprised to see that it is being held in a barn, away from civilians. "We're not going to get caught, are we?" I ask as we near the crowd of people waiting for the tournament to start.

"Don't think so. There are some police around, but they're here for the show. As long as you keep to yourself, you'll be alright."

"Police? I thought this was illegal."

She chuckles quietly. "It's a small town with limited entertainment, Leah. If they shut this down, they might as well die in boredom."

I nod in understanding, my eyes wandering to find a certain someone. I don't know how he would react, but I want to be here today to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid. He has a lot at risk right now. No 18-year-old should have this much pressure and responsibility. In a way, my life might just depend on whether he wins tonight.

I've been trying to shake off the feeling that he is still hiding something from me. There must be a reason as to why his father is going after him. Why attack him now? Why not wait until after Hunter's graduation? There is less chance that his biological father might get caught if Hunter's ties with the school are cut off. Isn't he afraid of getting caught? Surely the police will do something if we report it. All these questions just lead to more questions. When is it going to end?

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