11; Getting The Bad Boy Out Of My Head

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"Your father's still asleep."

I nod, leaning to see what my mum is making for breakfast. We don't speak, the atmosphere from last night still lingering in the kitchen. I was going to head over to Emily's today, but no, change of plans. I'm stuck at home until next weekend.

I am embarrassed at myself for being so naive. I should have never gotten on that bike with Hunter. It may sound insane, but this all started because of a dinner invitation. I want to blame my mother, but I know it's not her fault. I shouldn't have been stupid enough to get on his bike.

"Honey, did you ever do anything with him except, you know, running away?"

"What do you mean?"

She sips on her tea hesitantly. "You know what I mean."

"No, I don't." I think I know what she means but I want her to say it first in case it's a trick question.

"Like mess around in bed." She cringes.

"Mum, no."

Technically, I'm not lying. He has touched me once, but that wasn't in bed so it doesn't count.

She seems to sigh in relief, her smile gracing her face once more. She pushes her hair back from her face and picks up her cup of chamomile tea. "I don't regret getting pregnant in high school, but that doesn't necessarily mean I want you to do that either."

"Oh god, Mum, I get it. Don't worry, they teach us sex ed at school."

She grins.

"Morning, kiddo." My father ruffles my hair as he makes his way to my mother. He hugs her from behind. I look away, feeling as though I am interrupting their moment of affection. I hear him whisper something to her that makes her giggle, but I look out the window, squinting a little at the bright sun. My eyes are probably too accustomed to the dark, grey world. Sometimes I forget the sun even exists at all. 

I am sitting on the kitchen counter, trapped in my own house, unable to leave, but my mind still wanders to Hunter. A feeling of sadness overwhelms me when I realise he's still missing. Emily would've called or texted if he was back.

"Do you guys not care about Hunter?" I don't know what urged me to say it, but I do. They both look at me, wide smiles slightly fading.

"Look, honey, Isabella and Sean called us yesterday to tell us about his disappearance, and while we may not be happy about it, there's nothing we can do except hope he's okay, and you should too," my father says.

I stare at my mother who nods, also agreeing. "Your father's right. He's probably just out smoking or drinking with his friends, doing whatever he usually does. There's really nothing we can do."

I find my temper quickly rising and I lace my fingers together to keep myself from jumping off the counter and sprinting out of the house. "If I didn't know any better I would think you guys were happy about him being missing."

"Okay, that's enough. That's just cruel. It's not our business that he's missing and it also shouldn't take away our happiness. We hope he's okay, but we're not desperate enough to go around trying to find him."

"You would have if I was missing." My argument is weak, but I don't know why I suddenly have the urge to defend Hunter.

My father scoffs, untangling his arms from my mother's waist. "You are our child, and he's not, thank god for that."

"That's rude."

"Stop it, you two. Leah, go take a shower. I am taking you to the shops to buy some groceries."

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