24; In The Bad Boy's Car

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I am God and I have answered all your prayers by granting you a full chapter of goody aka smut. Skip if you can't handle some heat or if you're like 10 please I don't want anyone suing me because they got a heart attack thank you very much peaceeee


"No!" I laugh as Hunter gets out of the car, running towards the lake while simultaneously stripping himself out of his clothes, leaving him in his boxer. I exit the car just as he jumps into the water. I cross my arms as I lean against the hood of the car, struggling to fight the cold that's seeping through my jacket.

The area is empty aside from us. That's understandable because it's at least 2 a.m. in the morning. The light from his car gives me enough light to see his head pop out of the water. He shakes the water out of his hair like a wet dog and yells my name.

I smile when he urges me to come in the water with him. "I am not trying to get hypothermia," I yell back.

"You won't be back here anytime soon. You might as well tick one thing off your bucket list."

I debate whether I should jump into the water with him. I have a feeling I had too much alcohol to drink at the party. Maybe the cold will sober me up. Besides, Hunter looks like he's in a good mood, which rarely ever happens.

"Turn around," I say as I near the water. He smiles mockingly but doesn't make any attempt to move or turn around. "Did you not hear me?"

"Unless you're skinny dipping, I am not turning around."

"Fine." I huff, taking off my jacket first. The rest of my clothes soon follows. I shiver as the cold envelopes me like a glove, chilling me from head to toe. I grit my teeth to stop them from chattering. At this point, I don't think I even have to get into the water to get hypothermia.

I cross my arms, shielding myself from his lusty gaze. Even when I have a bra and a pair of panties on, he still looks at me as though I am not wearing anything. It's slightly unnerving.

"That's fucking freezing." My toes curl as it touches the water. It feels like stepping into a bathtub full of ice.

"We'll be out of here as soon as you dip your head in the water."

"Screw that. I am getting out of here now," I say just as the water reaches my knees. I start to head back but a hand wraps around my waist, pulling me into the deeper part of the lake. "Hunter, let me go!" I laugh.

I struggle against his strong grip. Fighting him is like fighting a brick wall. The water is now up to my chest. I am halfway to being frozen alive. "Are you trying to give me hypothermia?"

"Don't be so dramatic and kiss me," he says.

I wrap my legs around his waist to soak in some of the warmth radiating off his body. My arms are wrapped around his neck, one hand tugging at the short hair just above the nape of his neck. For once, the world feels serene, like there's no one in the world except Hunter and me. Everything is silent except for the rippling of the water around us. If it wasn't so cold I would want to stay like this forever.

His hand is holding me up by my ass. I gasp as he squeezes them. "Fucking kiss me, Leah."

"Stop being so demanding," I protest as I bring my lips to his. His lips are soft as they move against mine. My legs tighten around his waist. I arch my back, desperately wanting to feel the bulge of his cock press against me. I sigh softly when I feel the tip of his cock press against my clit through the thin fabric of his boxer. "It's too cold," I mumble as soon as I reluctantly pull my lips away from his.

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