36; Leaving The Bad Boy

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surprise surprise it's not the end. Btw I'm so sorry I don't update as fast. My dad has been borrowing my laptop to do some stuff and writing on my phone is just so frustrating and it just takes so long


"I'm okay. How's Dad? Alright. I'll be back home soon. Yeah, we still have some money left. I don't know. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Yes, Mum. Okay, bye. Love you." I hang up the call, sighing heavily. I'm almost 100% sure this is what homesick feels like.

Now, don't get me wrong, I've enjoyed travelling around and spending time with Hunter a lot, but I can't help but miss the familiar feeling of my own bed and the smell of my parents' homemade cooking.

Arms slither around my waist, pulling me back into a warm chest. "You want to go home early?"

I smile, setting my phone down on the table beside me and leaning back into Hunter's strong embrace. "No. I'll barely see you when I go to college and I want to spend as much time as I can with you now."

We both fall into a quiet bliss as we watch the sun reflecting on the surface of the pool water. A woman had gone and swam a few laps earlier in the morning, but the pool has been empty ever since she went back to her room.

"You up for a swim?" He mumbles, hot breath fanning the bare skin of my shoulder.

"Not really. I just want to relax a little today."

"I hope you're not feeling too sore from last night."

I smile and turn around, pecking him on the lips. "A little, but I'll live. You should go for a swim if you really want to."

"No way. We're taking a shower together."

He starts to tug my arm as he walks toward the bathroom but turns around to look at me again when I don't budge. "It's not that I don't want to, but I don't think I've recovered enough from last night to go another round," I admit, feeling my face flush from embarrassment.

"What are you talking about? We're taking a shower, Leah, not shooting porn."


He chuckles as he watches my face turn the colour of beetroot. We make our way to the bathroom and slip into the shower space where the rain shower hangs from the ceiling.

I purse my lips as I strip out of my robe and panties. Hunter is still taking off his boxer when I turn on the warm water.

I close my eyes as I enjoy the scalding water cascading down my head and body. "Do you blame yourself?" I ask Hunter as he comes in to join me in the shower.

He raises his eyebrow at me in confusion. I purse my lips, not knowing whether I should continue or risk asking him something that might be a little sensitive to bring up. "About Eric." I lather some shampoo on my hair, gently massaging my head.

He helps with washing me up, gathering liquid soap in his hand before rubbing my back and shoulders, obviously avoiding pressing too hard into my scar even though it doesn't hurt anymore. "Yes. Are you scared of me?"

I shrug. "I trust you."

He grabs my waist, turning me around so I'm facing him. "Don't lie to me, Leah." For some people, alarm bells might already be ringing in their head by now but the tone of voice that he uses is soft and gentle like he's desperate to know the truth. "Just don't lie."

"I gave you my virginity last night. Doesn't that prove something?"

Not a day passes that I don't think about that day he had murdered Eric in front of my own eyes. If he hadn't had killed him I probably wouldn't even be here today. It irritates me that in the back of my mind I'm still doubtful about our future together. Why can't I just convince myself that what he did was for the best? His actions could have saved me from an early death.

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