3; Skipping With The Bad Boy

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Guys, I know the high school in this book is called Riverdale High, but this book is actually not related to the show Riverdale.. ya knoww, the one with KJ Apa and Cole Sprouse in it (okay heart eyes) I don't watch the show (I only watch Supernatural and Teen Wolf) *wink wonk* so if you came in here thinking this is related to the show then I am really sorry, but feel free to continue on reading anyway c:


His lips are soft against mine. Our lips move in sync, and our bodies are pressed against each other tightly, leaving not even one inch of gap between us. I don't even pull my lips away when I am almost out of breath. He feels too good, and I am half scared he's not real, so I press my lips against him harder and wrap my arms around his neck to pull him impossibly close. I don't want him to pull away. We fit like two pieces of puzzles, and I don't want to let him go just in case he runs away. But I pull away just when I am about to faint from the dizziness his lips gives me. "Hunter." I don't open my eyes when I breathlessly speak his name. I feel the softness of his hair when I run my finger through it. My eyes finally flutter open, expecting to see a pair of green eyes but all I see is the white ceiling of my bedroom.

I look down to see my arms tightly wrapped around my white pillow. I growl, throwing it away from me as hard as I can. It hits my bedroom window before landing on the floor lifelessly. I cup my sweaty forehead with my palm, pushing away the strands of hair stuck to it. My whole body is burning with passion and desire. The clothes I have on are glued to my body like how my hair was stuck to my forehead. I am panting. I am out of breath. My heart doesn't seem to slow down now that the dream is over. I sit up on my bed, wet with sweat. It's almost like someone turned my room into a sauna. I reach back, tying my hair into a bun and fanning my neck to ease the burning sensation on my face.

"What the hell?" I ask myself quietly, tracing my lips lightly with the tips of my fingers. My sheets are crumpled underneath me, no doubt from how much I moved last night. I look around, still too stunned to get up from the bed. I close my eyes to try to calm myself down, but it only brings up the memory of my dream, and I am left feeling a strong desire again. I push myself off from the bed and walk straight into my bathroom, splashing my face with cold water to wake myself up.


I chant the word over and over and over, but it doesn't seem to take my mind off him. I am in the midst of brushing my teeth when there's a knock on my bedroom door. I spit out the foam and stick my head out of the bathroom with my toothbrush hanging from my mouth. "Come in," I murmur, putting my hand under my chin so I won't get toothpaste stain on my bedroom floor. The bedroom door is opened, and Elliot walks in, holding a plate of fruit salad. I hold up an index finger, a universal sign for 'wait'. He nods, closing the door behind him. When I am finally done I walk out of the bathroom to find him sitting on my bed. His posture is stiff, and his face is disturbed.

"Have a good sleep?" His voice is strained. I look down at the fruit salad on the nightstand, prodding a slice of kiwi with the fork and popping it into my mouth.

"I guess so. You?"

"Could've been better, I guess." I nod at his reply, still chewing on the kiwi in my mouth. I am picking up a grape when he finally speaks again. "So I came in here last night when you were asleep."

I raise my eyebrows. "Okay, creepy, but keep going." I urge him.

"I looked through your phone." He pauses, scratching the nape of his neck with a sheepish frown. "I looked through your messages, but only to see if you're talking to any guy and-"

"-by guy, do you mean Hunter?" I snap. He shuts up in an instant, and I feel a rush of accomplishment run through me.

"Well, he's one of them. But I saw your conversation with Emily from the other night. You admitted that you like Hunter. You're so much better than him. He's going to end up a crackhead, why can't you see that?"

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