Chapter 1: Explosive Aftermath

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With the power of the Baby Eruptodon's hunger along side determination, fast dragons, and quick thinking Hiccup and his friends frantically smothered the burning ashes on the edge. However the volcano has been triggered and didn't stop spewing out lava. Hiccup grunted.

Hiccup: Guys at this rate we won't have a home.

Fishlegs: Yeah no kidding! The volcano's starting to shake up again!

Astrid flew over the volcano to watch the bubbling lava start to overflow that head of the volcano.

Astrid: Hiccup we don't have much time! We have to start evacuating the edge!

Hiccup: Astrid no! This is our home! We will defend it!

Suddenly a lightbulb went off in Fishlegs' mind.

Fishlegs: Did you say defend?

Hiccup looked at Fishlegs a little confused as he began to stutter the words that he just spoke.

Hiccup: Ummm...Yeah...Defen-

Fishlegs: The Defenders of the Wing! They can help us out! We have to get their help, we need their adult Eruptodon!

Astrid: Fishlegs are you insane?! The fly alone to The Defenders Wing is already far enough and even if we do make it in time we have to do something about their active volcano too or else their village will become volcanic ash.

Hiccup: Astrid I don't see any other choice we have. I'm sticking with Fishlegs. We need the Eruptodon's help.

Astrid: But how? We're too far to go to them?

Fishlegs: We're not going to them they're coming to us.

Hiccup/Astrid: What? How?

Fishlegs: A Mother Dragon's Instincts.

Hiccup and Astrid gave Fishlegs of questionable look. Fishlegs sighed. As he gestured to the Baby Eruptodon.

Fishlegs: Just watch and learn and be amazed by a dragons protective instincts.

Fishlegs grab the baby eruptodon as he got on Wheatland and flew upward above the dangerously active volcano. He held up the baby eruptodon as it started to cry out small high pitched screeches. Hiccup and Astrid held on to their dragons as they started to wobble and shake around in midair.

Astrid: It doesn't look like the dragons like that sound very much Fishlegs. Are you trying to disorient them?

Hiccup: Astrid let's give Fishlegs a chance. Let's just land our dragons it's much safer that way and easier on their ears.

Hiccup and Astrid flew downward and landed their dragons as the baby Eruptodon kept on screeching. Seconds later a loud roar could be heard miles away from Dragon's Edge.

Hiccup: No way...

Astrid: Is it really what I think it is?

Across the horizon could be seen an Eruptodon flying towards dragons Edge at break-neck speed. What the trio had failed to see was that Mala and Throk were holding on for their lives on the Eruptodon's wings as the Eruptodon flew faster and faster with each wing beat towards the center of the volcanic island. The adult eruptodon made it to the center of the volcano hovering above the spewing lava. A discombobulated Throk climbed up to the eruptodon back and helped his Queen up.

Throk: My Queen...are you alright?

Mala: My word...whst an unexpected reaction from our protector. Yes, I am fine my dear Throk. Thank you.

Fishlegs: Oh sorry I didn't know you guys were trying to do something with the Eruptodon.

Throk: My Queen! Below us! We are above an active volcano!

Mala: Hiccup Haddock, what is the meaning of this capture?

Hiccup suddenly realized Fishlegs plan. He looked over at Fishlegs and gave him a nod of approval before turning to Mala.

Hiccup: Mala and Throk, we need the help of the Eruptodon our volcano has become active we need the Eruptodon to eat away the lava or else our edge, our home will be destroyed.

Astrid: We're sorry it had to come down to a unexpected arrival,but we really need our home...Please...

Mala and Throk looked and each other and nodded.

Mala: Very well. Consider this our debt repaid for saving our village. We shall help.

Throk stood up as the Eruptodon grew restless from the fresh lava. Throk grabbed Mala and carried her as he took one giant leap forward making it just to the mouth of the volcano. With Mala and Throk off the Eruptodon plunged down and begin eating away at the viewing hot lava that almost overflowed over the volcano. Mala looked at Throk as he placed her down.

Throk: My Queen. You are safe now.

Mala held Throk's hand and placed it by her heart.

Mala: I am forever in your debt my dear Throk. For your brave and courageous behavior. You have saved me countless of times. Thank you.

Throk: For you my queen, I would give up my life.

Hiccup and Astrid smiled as they saw Throk and Mala have their well-deserved romantic moment as Fishlegs came crashing down face first with Meatlug and the Baby Eruptodon right beside them.

Fishlegs: I'm ok!

Throk helped Fishlegs up to his feet.

Fishlegs: Come on! We have to go to a safer place the Eruptodon's going to start eating away at the lava and it's going to splash all over here.

Throk: My Queen. Please allow me to lead the way.

Mala nodded as the trio ran down the side of the volcano to Hiccup and Astrid's side.

Hiccup: How did it go Fishlegs?

Mala: The Eruptodon. He is eating away at the lava. Only time will tell if your land is safe.

Throk: Now we must wait and pray to the Gods for the best.

Astrid: I hope everything turns out ok...

Hiccup turned to Astrid.

Hiccup: It'll be fine Astrid. Right now we need to assemble the other Dragon riders. They're still out there chasing off Ryker.

Mala: Throk and I will protect The Edge with our lives.

Throk: Aye. With my life coming before my queen's life. Go! Find your riders and bring them back to safety.

Fishlegs: Let's go guys!

The Riders got on their dragons and rode off to to gather their friends as Mala and Throk watched them over the horizon.

Mala: Godspeed.

Throk: Godspeed.

To Be Continued...

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