Chapter 13: The Spies on The Edge (Part 1/2)

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Astrid: Hiccup. Fishlegs. If you two would please go and get ready.

Hiccup: Get ready?

Fishlegs: Ready for what?

Astrid: A date.

The two riders looked at each other then turned to Astrid.

Fishlegs: Listen Astrid I like Hiccup and all but I think you're getting the wrong message here.

Astrid groaned as she slapped her hand on her forehead.

Hiccup: Fishlegs I think I get what Astrid means by that. I think she wants us to go on a double date with you and Heather.

Fishlegs: Ok, and how do we get Heather involved?

Astrid: That's where girl power comes in. I'm gonna go talk to Heather. You guys get ready for that double date.

Astrid whistled as Stormfly came to her side. She got on the back of her noble dragon.

Fishlegs: Just what exactly are you planning on telling Heather?

Astrid: Just trust me. I'll make it happen. Heathlegs is closer than ever to being a reality. Come on Stormfly. Let's find Heather.

Astrid flew over to find Heather and seal the double date deal. Fishlegs turned up Hiccup.

Fishlegs: Heathlegs?

Hiccup: Umm-Anyways come on Fishlegs. Let's go get ready. Put on your best clothes and try not to question Astrid on these things. She's always right...even when she's wrong...

Unfortunately none of the Dragon Riders had realized that they we're all being watched. Watch by Ryker the hooded man and their hunters. The hooded man had put on a new hooded cloak. It seemed to be camouflage to the sand on the beach. The hooded man looked though an eye glass. He saw Astrid talking to Heather.

???: It looks like they're just talking...Where are the other Dragon Hunters?

Ryker: They'll be back once they've finished listening to the whole conversation.

???: Good...

Ryker: Exactly why are you specifically looking at the two damsels over there?

The hooded man quickly shifted the eye glass towards Fishlegs and Hiccup.

???: N-No reason. One of them just looks...familiar.

Ryker: Familiar you say?

???: Enough chatter Ryker. Remember we are spying. We're not here to get caught.

Ryker chuckled.

Ryker: Of course...

Meanwhile unknown to Heather and Astrid, a group of Dragon Hunters continued to spy on them as they talked.

Astrid: It's just a little double date. Me, you, my man, and Fishlegs. Besides I know you Heather I know you can play it cool.

Heather blushed.

Heather: B-But Fishlegs and I need our moment to-

Astrid: Believe me I got that covered completely. I still need to tell Hiccup my feelings towards him.

Heather gave Astrid a strange look.

Heather: What other feelings do you have to share with Hiccup? You guys are together.

Astrid turned away from Heather with rosey cheeks.

Astrid: I've been meaning to tell him "the L word" but we kind of got interrupted twice.

Heather: Awwwwh...that's so sweet.

Astrid: So what do you say? Double date?

Heather smiled at Astrid.

Heather: I'll go put on fresh clothes.

Astrid followed Heather into the hut. She turned her back towards Heather as she changed into cleaner clothes.

Astrid: Hey wouldn't it be nice to have a giant place where you could buy all sorts of clothes?

Heather: Oh my god yes. I'd drag Fishlegs there all the time.

Astrid: I'd do the same thing to Hiccup but bet the checkout lines would take forever.

Heather: And the changing rooms. Plus we girls would take forever.

The girls shared a laugh as they prepared themselves for the double date.

Meanwhile Hiccup and Fishlegs waited for Heather and Astrid on the backs of their dragons. Hiccup was rubbing Toothless' neck as he purred and bounced his backfoot happily.

Fishlegs: So, what do you think Astrid had planned?

Hiccup: Well if I know Astrid, and fortunately I do know her pretty well, she is probably planning a double date or some sort of set up to get you and Heather together.

Fishlegs: Hmmm...

Hiccup: Listen Fishlegs I'm sorry about the Heather thing earlier. I didn't really mean to offend you or anything.

Fishlegs: Oh no, no. No need for an apology Hiccup. If anyone knows love it's you and Astrid.

Hiccup chuckled nervously.


Fishlegs stared at Hiccup as Toothless slapped his face with his ear.

Hiccup: Ow! Ok fine I'll tell him.

Fishlegs: Tell me what?

Hiccup: Long story short I really want to tell Astrid, you know "the L word". I just don't know if it's the right time. I just- I don't want to make it too soon but I don't want to make it too late. The moment has to be perfect. Is has to be something that we'll both remember.

Fishlegs: Wow hiccup I never knew you really felt that strongly about Astrid I always thought that you guys were you know just a couple sneaking kisses behind our backs.

Hiccup: W-Well we were but feelings evolve into stronger feelings. Trust me Fishlegs. When you fall in love for a girl you'll enjoy every second you and her spent together. There won't be a moment in time that'll be terrible when you two are together.

Fishlegs: Well why don't you tell Astrid tonight on the double date? It seems like a pretty special day. I mean I'm more than certain that Heather and I will have our moment, so you and Astrid can have your moment.

Hiccup: You know what you're right I'm going to do it tonight. By the way Fishlegs you should follow your own advice why don't you tell Heather you love her.

Fishlegs: You know what I will!!!

Hiccup: By all means. Let's go get our girls.

As the two riders flew off to get their dates little did the riders realize that they were being spied on.

Ryker: Quick! Follow them! Project Capture the Damsel can't fail!!!

???: Hiccup Haddock...You will have what's most precious to you taken away...

To Be Continued...

(Atention Wattpad followers I do have an announcement to tell you guys and it's not that good but it's not too terrible either so here it is. I won't be able to update this book EVERY single day but I will try to upload new chapters as much as possible. More specifically on my days off from work. I'll try to update at least 2-3 chapters in my days off. One of the two main reasons why I won't be able to upload every single day is because 1 I'm starting to receive late shifts schedules and 2 I really want to get my driver's license. Thanks for your patience and loyalty. Any questions comments or concerns you can tell me in the comments below and they don't have to be about my personal life they can be about the story tell me what you think about it. Don't forget to Rate, Comment, and Follow.)

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