Chapter 2: Reunion on The Edge (Part 1/2)

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Hiccup, Astrid, and Fishlegs flew outwards towards the middle of the sea that connected Berk and Dragon's Edge.

Fishlegs: I vote on splitting up. We'll have higher chances of find more riders that way.

Astrid: Good idea.

Hiccup: Ok. I'll head South of the Edge Astrid go Southeast and Fishlegs go Southwest. The riders should be in that general South direction based off of Ryker's attacks.

Astrid: We'll make sure to make sure to make our dragons spit fire in the air once we find the riders to signal each other.

Fishlegs: Sounds like a plan.

Hiccup: Keep your fingers crossed that the "Grimborn brother" is gone. Good luck guys.

The trio separated and sped off into thr foggy distance. Meanwhile Heather, Ruffnut, Tuffnut, and Snotlout regrouped. They saw from the backs of their dragons the sea started to fade the whirlpool from the Submaripper. Boat debris, clothes, and dead bodies came upfloat as the group looked down in disgust and relief that the battle against the Grimborn Brothers was finally over.

Heather: So long Ryker...


Tuffnut: What do you mean so long Ryker? Isn't his brother still-

Heather: Brother? DAGUR! He's still defending Beserker Island! I have to go save him!

The group headed towards Beserker Island in search of Dagur.

Snotlout: Come on Team Snotlout!

Ruff/Tuff/Heather: We are NOT Team Snotlout!

Snotlout: Ok fine. But I'm the leader!

Heather: You're gonna be Submaripper chunks if you don't can it and help find my brother! Now come on! Faster! Let's go Windsheer.

Heather gave Windsheer a tug on the neck and flew ahead of the other riders. Meanwhile Dagur had just finished defeating all the other hunters with his new found friend Mr.Triple Strike.

Dagur: OH! That WAS fun don't you agree Mr.Triple Strike?!

The Triple Strike grunted.

Dagur: I know! I was like blam! And then you were like wa-boosh! And then they were like Oh No! And then I was like Oh YES! And then I g-wait. Where's Shattermaster?

Dagur got off of The Triple Strike and looked behind the giant boulder where Shattermaster was hidden. He wasn't there.


Dagur started to wander the island in search for Shattermaster. He didn't realize that The Triple Strike was following him.

Meanwhile Fishlegs was making his way to the other end of Beserker Island.

Fishlegs: See anyone girl?

Meatlug roared quietly.

Fishlegs: Keep an eye out. Heather and the others should be around here.

Suddenly Meatlug stopped and dropped down to the island rapidly.

Fishlegs: Woah girl! What's wrong?!

Before they landed Fishlegs got thrown off of Meatlug and landed face first into the sand.

Fishlegs: I'm ok!

Then Meatlug accidentally fell on top of him.

Fishlegs: Less Ok...

Meatlug got off of Fishlegs and helped him up.

Fishlegs: Thanks girl, now what was that all about?

Meatlug walked towards a bush and sat down beside it with a sad look on her face.

Fishlegs: What?

Fishlegs approached Meatlug.

Fishlegs: What's wrong girl? Is it something I sai-Oh gods...Oh Thor no...

He looked at a wounded very weak Shattermaster. Fishlegs approached Shattermaster and touched the his tail.

Fishlegs: He's still alive but we gotta get help Meatlug! Quick signal the riders! Lava Blast!

Meatlug blasted the air with some lava as it sparked a firework catching the attention of Hiccup, Astrid, Heather, Dagur, Snotlout, Tuffnut, and Ruffnut.

Everyone: The signal!

Hiccup: Come on bud!

Astrid: Let's go girl!

Dagur: I'd recognize Gronkle lava blast anywhere! Don't worry Shattermaster! Daddy's coming to the rescue!!!!!

Heather: Gronkle lava blast! I'm coming Dagur!

Tuff/Ruff/Snotlout: Hey wait for us!

As the riders made their way to the southern part of Beserker Island they failed to realize a mysterious stranger emerging from the the water and grabbing the remainder of the weapons that layed scattered on the island.

To Be Continued...

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