Chapter 19: War (Part 3/4)

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(Warning! This chapter contains violence, sexual predatory attack on women, scenes depicting an act of attempted sexual assault, cannibalism, and severed body parts. This chapter should not be read by those easily disturbed by anything just stated. This chapter should not be read by those easily disturbed by violent, mature content. Readers discretion is STRONGLY advised.)

The remainder of the Dragon Riders and Stoick were on their way to meet up with Alvin the Treacherous and his Outcast Clan. Stoick was rushing on his dragon. He was getting impatient with the slow pace of The Dragon Riders.

Stoick the Vast: C'mon Riders. Faster! I want my son back tonight?

Snotlout: What?! TONIGHT?!

Ruffnut: Uh-oh, someone's in trouble...

Stoick stopped his dragon. He turned around and flew towards Snotlout with the most furious face he's ever had.


Snotlout gulped. The twins giggled and cackled quietly, but were silenced with a single glare from Stoick.

Snotlout: Sir...No sir...


Dragon Riders: SIR YES SIR!!!

The Dragon Riders and Stoick quickened their pace as their dragons hesitantly flew faster. The sun had began to set. Fishlegs, being the smartest of the group, kept his thought quiet and started to have doubts if they were going to be able to save Hiccup, Astrid, and Toothless by tonight. Meanwhile Dagur and Heather had just finished informing Alvin and his Outcasts about what had just happened hours ago on their island.

Alvin the Treacherous: Is that so?

Heather: Yes! Please Alvin, you're one of our only other allies.

Dagur: Berserker Island was too far to contact, so we came here. Alvin this really important to us. To Stoick. To Berk.

Alvin the Treacherous: I reckon we should get going then, which direction did they head off to?

Heather: No! We're actually expecting the rest of the Dragon Riders to be here any minute now.

Alvin looked visibly confused.

Alvin the Treacherous: Do you kids see what time of day it is? It's almost night fall. Your friends should have been saved hours ago. Why would you waste your time splitting up?

Dagur: Because Alvin, the people who kidnapped our friends planned everything. They left us with no option. They were armed to the max with Hunters and battle ships. Six riders and six dragons can't take on an entire army of Dragon Hunters with weapons to take out our dragons. It'd be suicide!

Alvin the Treacherous: You kids have got to get your priorities settled.

Heather: Alvin, we get it, we screwed up big time, but that's what happens when someone takes the leader and second in command. Your left with a bunch of confused people waiting for a plan.

The Outcasts started mumbling and talking to one another silently. Alvin stood there lost in his train of thought.

Dagur: Please Alvin.

Heather: You're our only hope.

Stoick the Vast: Not the ONLY hope.

Everyone on Outcast Island looked up to see Stoick and the rest of the Dragon Riders. Dagur and Heather smiled at their friends. The group landed on Outcast Island and huddled together.

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