Chapter 14: The Spies on The Edge (Part 2/2)

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The Dragon Hunters sneaked their way back to Ryker and the hooded man. Through his looking glass the hooded man spotted the Dragon Hunters.

???: There!

Ryker: They better have something good...

The Dragon Hunters made their way to Riker and the hooded man.

Dragon Hunter 1: It's been confirmed by the blonde one herself.

Dragon Hunter 2: The four Dragon Riders will be on Sunset Edge. The blonde one and the peg leg one will distance themselves from the fat one and the black haired one.

???: Excellent work gentlemen, but they have names. Use them.

Ryker: Why are you showing respect to the Dragon Riders by wanting to call them by their name? We're about to capture one, not massage their dragons.

???: Respect your unknown foe for a sudden attack to be effective.

Ryker: Is that so? Well then why haven't you revealed yourself or your name?

???: Need I remind you who has power over who again Ryker? Don't you dare question my identity again! I'll answer the bloody question when I bloody feel like it!!!!!!!

Ryker chuckled.

Ryker: Have a struck a nerve? Whoops.

???: Quickly. The two of you are to report up top a tree. Remember to lay out the Dragon Flower Powder along with the Dragon Root Powder around the attack spot.

Dragon Hunter 2: What about you?

???: I am to take position underneath the cliff on Sunset Edge for an ambush kidnapping.

The hooded man turned to Ryker.

Ryker: What?

???: Do you remember what you're s-

Ryker: Of course I remember what I'm supposed to do. It's the best part.

???: Good. Remember. No killing. Threatening is already good enough.

Ryker growled and rolled his eyes making his way back to boat for his part of the plan. The hooded man and the Dragon Hunters made their way to Sunset Edge where they laid down the powders and took position ready for the ambush attack. Meanwhile Fishlegs, Hiccup, Heather, and Astrid were making their way to Sunset Edge on the backs of their dragons. The dragon Fighters we're wearing their nicest clothes. Each of them being paired with their significant other. Fishlegs and Heather looked at each other and smiled. Hiccup and Astrid looked over their shoulders to see the two riders. They turned to each other and smiled.

Hiccup: Great plan. Beautiful clothes.

Astrid blushed.

Astrid: Thanks, I would say the same to you, but you're not naked.

Hiccup's eyes widened as Astrid looked away from him with a face redder than fire. Toothless let out laughing grunts.

Hiccup: What?! What did you say?!

Astrid looked up.

Astrid: Oh look. Sunset Edge! We're here. Thank Thor...

The Dragon Riders landed beside Sunset Edge and grouped into their respective couples.

Heather: S-So Fishlegs w-what did you wanna tell me?

Fishlegs: Well it's about us.

Heather's eyes sparkled in delight as she heard Fishlegs say those words.

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