Chapter 21: Father...Friend, or Foe?

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(Warning! This chapter contains violence, sexual predatory attack/abuse on women, physical harm on women, and strong language. This chapter should not be read by those easily disturbed by anything just stated. This chapter should not be read by those easily disturbed by violent and/or mature content. Readers discretion is advised.)

Hiccup and Toothless dove down and crash landed on Stoick's Ship, narrowly avoiding a lightning bolt from the storm. Hiccup was thrown off his dragon as he and Toothless slid on the wet deck of the ship. He was stopped by Stoick. His father picked him up with one hand and pulled him into a bear hug. Hiccup gasped for air. Toothless shook his head and walked slowly towards Stoick and Hiccup.

Stoick the Vast: Oh Hiccup! Why does it seems like everytime we see each other you're on the verge of getting yourself killed...

Hiccup felt a couple of bones pop as Stoick hugged him hard.

Hiccup: Ugh...You mean like right now?

Stoick the Vast: Oh. Right. Sorry.

Stoick dropped his son from his thick, bulky arms and placed a hand on his son's shoulder. Meanwhile, unknown to Hiccup, the other Dragon Riders grabbed their walking planks and placed them across the ships and were making their way to regroup on Stoick's ship. Hiccup looked up at his father.

Stoick the Vast: Hiccup...Understand that a father never stops being a father. Dragon Rider or not, I can't stand seeing you put yourself in danger. I couldn't imagine losing the last of my family...

Hiccup: Dad...I'm sorry but-

Stoick the Vast: What if you lose another limb or worse killed? What if someone somehow manages to take control of Toothless and attacks you with your own dragon? Or worse, someone you love?

Hiccup sighed.

Hiccup: I know, I know...Let's just hope that never happens. I really need to be more careful, but dad this is really important. They took As-

Stoick the Vast: I know son...Your friends told me everything.

Hiccup: The Dragon Riders are here?!

Hiccup was startled by a cackle coming from behind him. He turned around to see Alvin laughing.

Alvin the Treacherous: Well who do ya think is sailing the other ships?

Hiccup looked around him to see his friends running up to him.

Fishlegs: Hiccup!

Heather: You're alive!!

Dagur: BROTHER!!!

The trio of Dragon Riders group hugged with Hiccup in the center. Toothless jumped up on the pile of Dragon Riders knocking them down. They all shared a quick laugh and hugged Toothless.

Hiccup: Where are Snotlout and The Twins?

Snotlout: I'm up here!

Hiccup looked up to see Snotlout on the top of the sails. Hiccup cupped his hands beside his mouth making sure Snotlout could hear him.

Hiccup: Snotlout! I can't believe I'm saying this, but it's great to see you bud!

Snotlout: Yeah, yeah, I knew you were gonna be fine. You always are. Don't expect me to hug you.

Hiccup chuckled.

Hiccup: You're stuck up there aren't you?


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⏰ Last updated: May 07, 2020 ⏰

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