Chapter 4: Between a Throk and a Hard Place (Part 1/3)

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Mala: Betrothed means that I am to get married. I have chosen my King.

Snotlout scoffed happily as he spat saliva on his hands and ran them through his hair.

Snotlout: Listen babe, I get it. You want the Snotlout.

Snotlout slowly made his way towards Mala.

Snotlout: The moment you were saved by a direct descendant of Thor you just couldn't keep me out of your mind.

Mala: Excuse me?

Throk: Excuse me indeed.

Snotlout placed his arm over Mala's shoulder. The riders could tell that Mala was a little uncomfortable with the whole situation. Throk clenched his fist and grabbed the end of his sword with his other hand at a ready position.

Mala: Snotlout, I don't th-

Snotlout placed a finger over Mala's mouth.

Snotlout: Shhhh-shh Shhhh-shh stop right there sweets.

The Dragon Riders were baffled by the whole situation.

Astrid: Snotlout just let the queen t-

Snotlout:  Hey you had your chance Astrid and you decided to go with the runt of the group.

Hiccup: If I'm the runt why am I the leader?

Astrid gave Hiccup a sly look and a smile. He winked at her as he smiled. Snotlout stuttered as words tried to come out of his mouth to give Hiccup an explanation.

Snotlout: Th-T-That's cause...Ummmm...Shut up Hiccup.

Heather: Snotlout just sto-

Snotlout: And don't even get me started on YOU.

Heather: Oh really? What does THAT mean?

Snotlout: It means that you screwed up in choosing a Gronkle loving tub of lard!

The Dragon Riders as well as Mala and Throk gasped as they all turned to Fishlegs.

Fishlegs: Yep...another fat joke...

Snotlout: Hey I just call it like I see it.

Dagur stepped up and stood face to face with Snotlout. Snotlout scoffed as he turned to Mala.

Snotlout: Watch out babe I got this o-

Dagur: Hey! Hi ummm HELLO! I don't think you remember me but-um I'm the older brother of the girl you just spoke to in that rude manner. Remember me? Loutsnotty?

Snotlout: It's Snotlout actually and yes I do remem-

Dagur: Good, good, good! So um-I'm just gonna go on a limb here but um-

Hiccup: Dagur I don't think this is-

Dagur: Not now Brother Hiccup. Anyways so I'm yeah I'm just gonna go on a limb here but um-

Dagur grabbed Snotlout by the legs and held him upside down. Dagur whistled as the Triple Strike stick out its stingers just inches to Snotlout's face.


Dagur: My point? Hmmmm...ah yes good question what is my point? Oh yeah now I remember. How about um I don't know how about something along the lines of-TALK LIKE THAT TO MY SISTER AND FUTURE BROTHER-IN-LAW AND I'M GONNA GO BESERKER ON YOU?!?! GOT THE MESSAGE SLOTNOUT?!?!

Fishlegs: Woah. I'm starting to really like your brother Heather.

Hiccup: I have to agree here.

Heather: That's my Beserker bro!

Astrid: I think I'm in love.

Hiccup gave Astrid a playful shove. Astrid grabbed Hiccup's hand and kissed it.

Astrid: Just kidding, you already took my heart the day you punched Snotlout.

Hiccup: Oh I think we both know for a fact that I stole it long before that.

Astrid winked at Hiccup. The couple looked back at the situation in front of them. Dagur let go of Snotlout and went back to his sister's side.

Dagur: You were saying your awesome queen-li-ness?

Mala: My choice has been made. My new king is standing before us and his name is-

Snotlout: Snotlout! Snotlout! Oi! Oi! Oi!

Snotlout wrapped his arm around Mala's waist as everyone's mouth dropped wide open. Even the dragons. Throk withdrew his sword and held it half a centimeter away from Snotlout's neck.

Throk: Unhand MY queen or DIE  where you stand Dragon Rider.

Mala smiled as Snotlout ran and hid beneath Hookfang. Mala looked at Throk and smiled lovingly as he smirked.

Mala: As I was saying. My choice has been made. My new king is standing before us and his name is Throk!

Everyone: THROK?!?!?!?

Throk: Me?!

Mala: Yes. You Throk.

Throk: My queen...I-I have no words...except...Ye-

Snotlout: Now wait one minute here!!!!! I was the one who was originally gonna become king I demand a challenge for the king crown be issues!!!!

Throk laughed.

Throk: That is preposterous! You failed your opportunity and now you are asking f-

Mala: Very well. We shall have a ceremonial battle. Snotlout will compete against Throk in a series of obstacles to compete for my hand in marriage.

Everyone: WHAT?!?!?!?!?!?

Throk: My Queen?! Wh-

Mala: I trust that MY Throk will gladly accept the challenge issued. After all he is my most prized warrior.

Throk nodded.

Snotlout: Just name the time and place and I'll make sure to beat this guy.

Throk: I'd say the same thing...if I could even call this a competition,but I was raised to never judge a book by its cover.

Mala: The time is high noon. The place is at the Wing of the Defenders. Until then the both of you please rest well. After all I will be watching you both tomorrow. Good luck to the both of you.

Everyone: What just happened?!?!?!

To Be Continued...

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