Chapter 5: Between a Throk and a Hard Place (Part 2/3)

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The next morning on Dragon's Edge Snotlout woke up bright and early. He made his way to the top of the listener and used it to make his voice echo throughout the island.

Snotlout: Wake up fellow Dragon Riders for your beloved Snotlout shall win the contest to become King of Defenders of the Wing!!!!

Each of the riders woke up dramatically. Fishlegs screamed himself wide awake, The Twins bashed their heads together awake, Heather fell out of her bed, Dagur went on a temper tantrum as foam came out of his mouth, Astrid woke up with her axe in a ready position, and Hiccup simply gasped and startled himself awake. They all gathered to the center of Dragon's Edge.

Hiccup: I thought we all agreed on no sudden wake up calls unless we're under attack.

Fishlegs: Do you really think Snotlout and The Twins would obey that?

Heather: Fishlegs brings up a good point.

Astrid yawned as she tried settling her hair.

Astrid: Where's Dagur?

Hiccup: And Ruff & Tu-

Tuffnut/Ruffnut: RUUUUUUUUUUUNNNN!!!!

The Twins passed by the other riders and made their way to the beach of the island as Dagur ran by chased them down with a knife and fork.


The other riders looked baffled as they turned to Heather.

Heather: That answer your question Hiccup?

Fishlegs: Are the twins gonna be ok?

Heather gave Fishlegs a worried look.

Heather: long as they don't stop running...

The riders dropped their mouths wide open.

Heather: Hey it's Snotlout's fault. Never wake up a beserker who's last name is "deranged"

Hiccup: Speaking of Snotl-

Snotlout: Come on we're gonna be late!!!!!!! Let's sattle up the dragons and get to riding to The Defenders of the Wing island!!!!! That's an order!!!!!

Astrid: Uuuggggggghhhhh...Remind me to vote for Throk.

Heather: No need to remember that. It's pure instinct. Rooting for Snotlout in anything is already game over.

The riders laughed as the split to get their dragons and to snap Dagur out of his temper tantrum. Meanwhile in the Defenders of the Wing, Mala and Throk gathered a crowd at the center of the island. Mala eyed Throk carefully and smiled every time he looked up at her. Throk approached Mala and got on one knee as he bowed his head.

Throk: My Queen, may I speak?

Mala: Of course dearest Throk. You do not need permission to speak to me. However before you speak I must ask for a favor. One you may find quite simple.

Throk looked up at his beloved queen. She smiled and slightly blushed as the two made eye contact.

Throk: Anything for you, My Queen.

Mala extended her hand out with her palm down and turned her head the other way as she blushed.

Mala: Kiss my hand...

Throk: Of course my beloved queen.

Throk gently grabbed Mala's hand. Throk's gentle touch sent shivers down Mala's spine and made her have butterflies in her stomach. Her light link blush turned to a bright red blush as she smiled ear to ear while Throk inched closer to kiss his queen's hand. As his lips were inches away from kissing her hand the couple was interrupted by the sound of multiple dragons.


Every Dragon Rider except Snotlout saw what Throk was about to do with Mala. Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other.

Astrid: We both know who Mala wants her king to be, don't you think we should try and convince Snotlout out of this?

Hiccup: And the way he acts? Astrid by the time we convince him to back out our kids will be chief.

Quickly realizing what he said, Hiccup turned away from Astrid. She smiled and blushed.

Astrid: Our kids? Hiccup...Any reason why you chose that as your example?

Hiccup: He-he-he...I-I don't know what you're talking about Astrid...

Astrid: Oh I know you know exactly wh-

Hiccup: OH LOOK WE'RE HERE!!!! Thank Odin...

Mala and Throk quickly went back to standing side by side. Mala leaned next to Throk's ear and whispered.

Mala: Ahem...You are in debt of one kiss on the hand dear Throk.

Throk: I shall save that kiss for after I win the King crown and repay my debt with a kiss, on your lips...

Mala: My, MY!!!

Throk smiled as Mala winked at him. Throk made his way to the arena as the Dragon Riders landed their dragons beside Mala.

Mala: Welcome Dragon Riders. Snotlout please make your way to the arena. Throk will be waiting. You must leave your Dragon here.

Snotlout: Hehe...Sure thing babe...

Snotlout made his way to the arena while Mala kept on conversing with the other Dragon Riders.

Mala: As for the rest of you, please follow me. You have reserved spots with me. Please leave your dragons here and they will be treated for.

As the group left their dragons and made their way into the arena their ears were filled with the crowd's cheers, chants, and applause. The group made their way to the high center viewpoint. Mala raised her hand as the crowd went silent.

Mala: Welcome one and all to the first ever King's Crown Competition!!!! Let us all give a warm welcome applaud to our allies and special guests, The Dragon Riders!!!!!!!

The crowed cheered as the Dragon Riders waved to the audience.

Mala: Now I would like to start with the introduction of the two competitors! Vikings let us put our hands together to our very own and very loyal nobleman Throk!!!!!!!

The crowd cheered and applauded along with the Dragon Riders.

Hiccup: Go Throk!!

Fishlegs: You got this Throk!!!

Tuffnut/Ruffnut: GO TEAM SNOTLOUT!!!!

Dagur/Heather/Astrid: KICK HIS ASS THROK!!!!!!! KICK HIS ASS GOOD!!!!!!!

Mala: And now may I introduce the challenger. From Dragon's Edge, he was the original choice for the King's crown and he is back seeking for redemption and victory. Vikings, place your hands together for Snotlout!!!

The crowd's cheers lowered and ended as soon as Snotlout started to act like big shot. The Dragon Riders nearly cringed at the sight of Snotlout's actions.

Heather: This is gonna end bad...

Astrid: You damn right sister.

Mala: Let the first official King's Crown Competition begin!!!!!!!

To Be Continued...

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