Chapter 12: The Couples on Dragon's Edge

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(So sorry for the long wait guys. Not gonna get into the details but bottom line is I was being kept busy at work along with some personal issues. I'm ok. It's ok stop crying. I'm alive. Here. *Gives a tissue box* There you go it's ok. I'm here and I'm alive and I updated the book. Anyways I'm gonna try to upload 3 more chapters today because this is where the drama starts. Hope you guys enjoy the chapter.)

Hiccup: Hey I don't know if you're thinking what I'm thinking Astrid but it looks like Fishlegs and Heather need the perfect mood over there.

Astrid: My thoughts exactly babe.

Hiccup: Come om, let's gather up all the Dragon Riders and head towards Dragon's Edge.

Astrid: I see you're a Heathlegs supporter too.

Hiccup gave Astrid a strange look.

Hiccup: Heathlegs?

Astrid: Yeah. It's got a nice ring to it.

Hiccup: Yeah it kinda does. Unlike Hiccstrid.

Astrid: That's so weird I said the same thing to Heather. There's no way Hiccstrid will catch on as well as Heathlegs.

The couple chuckled.

Hiccup: You got that right. Let's go get everyone together.

As Hiccup and Astrid made their way to gather up the rest of the Dragon Riders Mala and Throk were having their own discussion. They held hands and stared at each other lovingly.

Mala: So I told her to be herself and tell Fishlegs her true feelings to her. Regardless whether she gets rejected or not.

Throk: How peculiar, My dear Queen.

Mala: Yes, My King?

Throk: I told something very similar to Fishlegs.

Mala smirked at Throk.

Mala: Is that so?

She wrapped her arms around Throk's masculine arm and placed her head on his chest and closed her eyes.

Mala: Well love truly has its ways to communicate with two people.

Throk smiled as he kissed Mala's head and got a pleasant scent that camr from her hair.

Throk: Indeed my beauty.

Mala looked up and kissed Throk lovingly.

Mala: I love you, Throk.

Throk: I love you too, Mala.

When they looked up they saw the Dragon Riders gathering up together. They all got on their dragons and rode away having Fishlegs and Heather ride next to each other. The two lovebirds looked at each other then looked away quickly.

Heather: Heh, Hi...

Fishlegs: H-Hey...

Heather/Fishlegs: S-So what did you wanna talk about? Whoops sorry, you go first. No you go.

Hiccup and Astrid looked at each other and smiled as they knew exactly what Fishlegs and Heather were feeling. When the riders landed on Dragon's Edge they all grouped together except for Fishlegs and Heather. They looked at each other lovingly.

Fishlegs: S-So what I wanted to tell you...w-was

Heather's eyes sparkled as she puckered her lips almost instinctively believing she knew what Fishlegs was gonna say.

Heather: Yes Fishlegs?

Unfortunately before Fishlegs could even try to get his feeling out he was interrupted by the Dragon Riders...mainly Hiccup. Hiccup cleared his throat.

Hiccup: Ahem.

The two riders looked back and separated from each other with their faces as red as a Beserker's hands after a war.

Hiccup: Sorry to interrupt but-

Astrid: Windsheer's scratching your inner roof on your hut again Heather.

Heather gasped as she ran towards her hut.

Heather: Windsheer that's the 5th time this week!!! Bad dragon!!!

Fishlegs sighed. Then turned to the Dragon Riders.

Fishlegs: So what's e-

Astrid: Fishlegs we all know and we support you and Heather.

Snotlout: Not all of us...

Astrid: Anyways, she likes you and you like her. We all want you to be together and happy.

Dagur: And remember Gronkle Brothers!!!!

Fishlegs didn't realize that he had started pacing back and forth.

Fishlegs: I know but what if-w-w-what if...What if she doesn't li-

Hiccup: Fishlegs relax. It's just Heather.

Fishlegs gasped as he stopped pacing and turned to Hiccup and the rest of the riders.

Fishlegs: Just Heather? JUST HEATHER?

Hiccup: Ah-Um-Ok well maybe not j-

Fishlegs: That's like telling Tuffnut Macy was just a weapon!

The twins gasped. Tuffnut tried to charge towards Fishlegs swinging his arms violently and randomly but was held back by Ruffnut.

Tuffnut: How dare you say something like that?!

Ruffnut: Awww he's gonna start crying aga-

Ruffnut was interrupted by a loud cry from Tuffnut as he ran off with tears streaming down his face. Ruffnut sighed and ran after him.

Fishlegs: Or telling Snotlout that he's just a viking!

Snotlout gasped.

Snotlout: Hey I'll have you guys know that I am a direct defendant of Thor's Daughter's Sister's S-

Astrid placed a raw fish in Snotlout's mouth.

Astrid: We. Are. NOT. Hearing. THAT. EVER. AGAIN!

Fishlegs: Or like telling Dagur he's just a normal beserker!

Dagur: pride...why Gronkle Brother...Why?

Hiccup: O-Ok Fishlegs I think we get th-

Fishlegs: Or telling you that Astrid is just Astrid!

Astrid gasped.

Hiccup: I-I know but w-Hey what does THAT mean?!

Fishlegs: Exactly! That reaction right there! Those same emotions you have for Astrid are what I have for Heather!

Astrid: He's got a point ya know. When it's love, you'll know.

Hiccup sighed.

Hiccup: Fine we'll do it your way. What do you suggest we do?

Fishlegs: Well I was hoping you guys would know...

Hiccup sighed.

Astrid: Typical. Leave all the love planning to the girls. I know exactly what to do.

Fishlegs/Hiccup: You do?

Astrid: You bet.

To Be Continued...
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