Chapter 1

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~(Y/n)'s POV~

I rush up the mountain. Mount Ebott to be exact. This morning while I was out hunting my Soul started humming a long forgotten tune. (Not literally). I had rushed home and gotten ready. Once I feel the first beat of my Soul I know what I have to do.

I think about the legend.

Anyone who climbs this mountain is never seen again.

The legend was true. I remember the last timeline. Pacifist. Chara didn't even show his sadistic face. Frisk had Reset a day after getting monsters to the surface. I hope this timeline is pacifist, but I doubt it.

Eventually I step into a dark cave. After a few blind steps into the darkness I see a blue glowing flower ahead of me. I sigh as I "trip" and fall into a hole. I don't even scream, I'm used to this, as I have fallen down timeline after timeline. I've never died before so what's to worry about? A broken ankle?

After a moment I hit the ground and pass out. As I fade out of consciousness a hear a whimper and the sound of tearing petals.

I knew it was a genocide route but I was praying with all my might that I had been wrong for once. As I fade in and out of consciousness I can't help but think that I've never passed out like this.

After that thought I started to think about Chara. After he had noticed me showing up every timeline he began tearing up the flowers that would normally cushion my fall. I hated Chara. He was a murderous psychopath and I honestly wanted him dead.

Frisk disagreed though. Not only did she think killing him would be wrong, even if it would save more lives then it would hurt, but she liked Chara.

She LIKED him. The pacifist falling for the genocidal freak. How... interesting. Sounds somewhat poetic, really. Frisk refused to take my side and had begged me timeline after timeline to just let it go, but I couldn't let Chara continue to hurt my friends.

I finally begin to fully come back to my senses to find that I had fallen onto a pile of vines. The flowers bellow the vines were all torn up and dead. I glance around and see that Flowey is dug into the ground a few feet away and he's watching me curiously.

"Hey (Y/n)..."

As I look closer I see a fewer his petals missing.

"Flowey? Are you... okay?"

He waves a little leaf. "Yea I'm fine. I need your help. I think I might know how to stop the killing."

"We could always kill the killer...?" I reply quietly and he quickly brushes my response off. He knew I didn't mean it. I might be neutral but I hated killing.

"I know a way to stop the killing so that everyone's happy. Including Chara and Frisk."

I give him a small smile and stand up. "How?"

"Not right now!" He hisses out quickly as if he was rushing for some reason. "I need you to get Sans. We need his help too."

I nod once and walk towards the ruins.

"I'll be back soon Flowey."

I rush through the Ruins. I have to get Sans to agree. It's about time the genocide stopped.

I think about Chara and I watch as he steps closer to Papyrus. He acts nice and "breaks down" in Papys arms. Papyrus hugs back tightly and the moment his defenses are down Chara slashes at him.

I can feel tears pour from my eyes as I watch him turn to dust and tell Chara that he believes in him still.

I scream a terrifyingly broken, angry sound and run faster. I'm almost to Toriels home now

Chara deserved to die. But I could not kill him. I'm pretty much all talk no game. If I killed him I would just be stooping to his level and I'm better then that. I've survived my whole life without killing a monster or a human and I don't need to kill one now. There is always another way.

As I enter Tori's home I think about my powers. Only Flowey knows about all of them. Sans knows about my fighting and Teleportation, but not about knowing which route we are on before everyone else. I honestly trusted Flowey a bit more then Sans.

Sans could snap at any moment but Flowey couldn't. Yes, Flowey could get mad but he could only feel basic emotions not complex ones like Sans and I could.

I speed up a little more. I wish I could telteport but I've noticed that my teleportation doesn't kick in until I'm out of the Ruins.

I need to get to Sans. He is hurting. He is angry. Angry enough to kill.

So~ what did you think~?

Once again most of the themes for these first few chapters are not mine. I'm basing this off another story I've just added more Fluff and stuff. If you liked this chapter, please consider giving it a vote, or you could comment some feedback. Either are greatly appreciated :3

I enjoyed editing these first two parts. Can't wait to write more~

Hope you enjoyed!


Edited: 7/4/18

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