Chapter 5

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I hated resets. Most of the time I'm still alive when they happen, and usually I get sick. I bolt up in bed and rush to my bathroom. I throw up for a few minutes until the effects of the reset begin to wear off.

Geez... not ever going to miss that when this is all over..

I check my phone to see it's a little past seven in the morning. Great time for a hunt. I sigh and grab my gun which is hidden in a casing next to my bed.

I run through the forest below the mountain, check all of the traps I have set up. Only one is tripped, a big rabbit is caught in it. I sigh and quickly grab the dead animal shoving it in my bag.

I tense up and sink to the ground when I hear the crushing of leaves behind me. I turn slowly to find a deer reaching for some berries a few feet away. I dart behind a tree and aim at the deer.

It continues to munch on berries when the wind suddenly shifts. I quickly climb up the tree and hide amongst the leaves watching the deer eat slowly.

Again I aim my gun and prepare to shoot. I feel the push back of the gun and hear the ringing of the shot. I watch the deer fall to the ground dead and jump from the tree pumping my fist. I rush over to the animal and kneel beside it, thanking it for giving up its life so I could survive.

After a few minutes I drag the deer into town I sell it for a good profit and head home. I settle in the nice chair near the fire and start to cook the rabbit I had caught. It cools quickly and within minutes I'm eating away at the meat.

I think about the last timeline and sigh. Frisk better not take her sweet time going underground. Chara will become impatient.

I jump up from my chair and turn on some music. I smile as my favorite song begins to play. Quickly I dance around and sing while cleaning up the house. I toss the bones and fluff from the rabbit and put out the fire. After about an hour of straightening up the house I am done and start getting ready for some well needed sleep.

That night I lie in bed fully awake. I can't sleep, even though I'm exhausted. This last timeline Sans seemed to be more affectionate. As I think about a weird warm feeling fills my chest. I smile and giggle quietly.

Usually Sans seems distant but this time it felt like he was opening up a little. He wasn't so tense near me and he seemed to have given me some trust, even going through with Our crazy plan.

I think back to that time we hung out at his house together. He had been getting awfully close and I thought he was going to kiss me. Part of me wants it to happen. Wants him to kiss me.

But another part of me, the logical part of me, knows it's a terrible idea. If this plan of ours goes South, Sans x (Y/n) could cause more pain then good.

I sigh and roll onto my side. I push the blanket off of myself and let out another sigh.

He was about to say something before I realized we had to go. 'I... I lo-' but I had interrupted him. God damnit. I wish I knew what he was going to say. Maybe he likes me...?

I blush and cover my face with my hands even though I'm alone. I shove my face into my pillow and begin to drift to sleep. Before I could fall unconscious I feel something in my chest. At first I think I'm just dreaming but after a while the feeling gets unbearable and I get up quickly.

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