Chapter 13

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She disappeared out of thin air. I tried to find her Soul with my magic but I couldn't.

I cover my face with my hands and sob. All of my built up fear, loneliness, sadness, and anger come pouring out.

I didn't feel attatched to reality. I was floating in my own little world of suffering. I had no idea how long I sobbed. How long I cried. All I knew was that the love of my life was no where to be found.

Finally I felt something. A hand on my shoulder. Then someone sling my arm over there shoulder. I hear mumbling but I couldn't make it out. I continued to sob as someone half dragged half carried me.

Eventually I'm set on something warm. And then someone was calling my Name.

"Sans?" A soft girl voice.

"Sans?" A slightly annoyed male voice.

"SANS? FRISK? CHARA?" A loud booming voice.

The all sounded familiar and once I heard the names it all flooded back to me. I gasp and shoot up blinking away my daze. "(Y/n)!" I shout.

I look over to see Frisk, Chara, and Papyrus standing next to the couch I'm sitting on. Frisk and Chara look somewhat sad won't look at me, while Papyrus stares at me confused. "SANS? WHATS GOING ON?"

"(Y/n) is missing." My voice breaks but I continue. "Chara and Frisk are both... Neutral?" They both nod and grab each other's hands. "And we have to break the Barrier."

I stand up "Papyrus, clearly you have seen Frisk and Chara before but I know you haven't been introduced. This is Chara, he's kind of a jerk all the time." I say and point to Chara. "And this is Frisk, she's kind nice all the time." I point to Frisk.

Frisk squeezes Charas hand. "We are together!" She states in a happy tone. I guess they worked it out while I was out of it. Chara grumbles something, then blushes, then squeezed back.

They all shake hands. "Okay come on. Time to Introduce you guys to Alphys so that we can start asking questions." I grab Papyrus' hand but he shakes his head.


Then he's out the door. I sigh and grab Chara and Frisk. I teleport us inside Alphys's (?) lab and hear a small squeak. "Hey Alph. I brought some people for you to meet. We have to talk."

Alphys blushing and scrambles over to us. "You m-must be Chara and Fr- Frisk. I'm A-Alph- Alphys."

They all shake hands and talk for a moment before Alphys comes over to me to talk.

"I want to break the barrier. We have two humans here, there has to be something we can do right?"

She nods her head slowly. Then explains how we can create a Soul shaped container, and then Extract some of each of their Souls to create an artificial Soul. After a few minutes of explaining the plan to Chara and Frisk they agree and we get to work.

In the back of my mind I continue to worry, where is (Y/n)?


I wake up but I don't open my eyes. Honestly I just want to go back to sleep, it's my only escape. 

Below me is something soft and comfortable, a bed most likely. I'm wrapped in at least 2 fuzzy blankets, and the only thing I can hear is the distant sound of a page turning every couple of minutes.

Finally, with much hesitation, I open my eyes and look around. Instantly I relax and sigh with relief.
Somehow I'm back in Toriels house, the safest area in the underground in my opinion.

Slowly I stand and stretch. I feel no pain not even in my right leg which had been aching throughout my whole battle with Frisk.

As soon as the thought hit my mind I wipe it away. I'm in my safe place I don't need to think about that right now. I open the door and rush towards the living room, the smell of pie carries throughout the warm home and it makes me smile.

I pounce on Toriel and wrap her in a hug. "Mom! I missed you so much!" She laughs happily and hugs me back. We hug for a few moments before I stand back up and look at her with a smile.

"My child, if you don't mind me asking... what were you doing? I found you right outside the Ruins, your body was freezing. I wasn't even sure you would live!" Tears well in her eyes and I brush them away quickly.

"I made two people fall in love. And then.... I ran from a close friend. I guess I ended up here because this is home. Thank you for saving me mom."

She pulls me in for another hug and pats my back soothingly as tears well in my eyes. Man I cry a lot. I'm a real crybaby.

Once my tears dry up Toriel offers pie which we eat together in front of the warm fireplace.

We even told each other some puns. Turns out her and.... him were good friends.

For some reason I can't bring myself to even think his name. There's no way he could ever love me now right?

I almost killed two people. Granted I didn't have much control and honestly it scared me. This wasn't new to me though. The Darkness is what made me such a good fighter at times.

It closes off al emotion and the only thing I feel is the need to survive at any cost. I'm not sure why I attacked Chara.  Though I suppose he was threatening the man I love, and that could have triggered the Darkness.

I shake those thoughts and tell Toriel that I should get some rest, she nods in agreement before giving me a hug and ushering me off to my room.

As I lay there in bed, begging sleep to take me, I can't help but wonder what he is doing right now. Chara and Frisk are probably a thing now, so ultimately the plan worked. The only thin missing is me.

Maybe he's trying to break the barrier. I feel determination sweep through me, though I have nothing to feel determined about. The feeling doesn't subside, and eventually I drift into a peaceful sleep.

I think the reason I like sleep so much... is because he always walks in my dreams.


Idk what to say.

This book is really fun to write, I'm really enjoying myself.

Big things are coming~

There's a lot to the ending of this book.

So I know for sure that this will be a series sort of. The next book will be error or fell x reader. I'm not sure. I guess it's up to anyone who reads this.

I know for sure the third book will be ink x reader, and the final book will be this thing I've been working on in secret. The book will take a lot of work but it will all be worth it! If you liked this chapter, please consider giving it a vote.

Well I hope you enjoyed, until next time~



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