Chapter 6

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You let out a sad sigh and make your way towards Snowdin. You feel somewhat empty as you walk quietly. Usually Sans would make this walk with you full of giggles and laughter, but he had 'work'.

It was pretty obvious he hadn't of wanted to stay around you and you just couldn't figure out why. Had you said something wrong? Maybe it was just last timeline has him all messed up.

You hope that was it.

Once you make it to Snowdin you buy a few spare pairs of clothes and a couple cinnabuns before going to the inn and rent a room.

As you flop down on the bed in your room you can't help but sigh again. Usually you would be at Grilbys with Sans right now.

You curl up and try to sleep but You can't. Your adrenaline is still pumping. Your Soul is beating rather hard, it usually is never so fast.

You think about Frisk and watch as they spare Papyrus. You smile and laugh softly. If all goes well with this plan finally all monsters will get to the surface and be happy.

Maybe Sans will start to open up more. I miss the Sans from the First few timelines. He was always smiling a genuine smile. His eyes would light up with excitement and he actually cared what Happened to the monsters.

He used to be so curious. He always had those stupid science books all over the place. You call them stupid now yet... you would die to see them again. You wanted Sans to be happy again.

You wish you could see Sans happy again.

I wish I could see her happy again.

Sans was curled up in bed thinking about (Y/n). Little did they both know that they had similar thoughts. Sans had been thinking about the (Y/n) from the first few timelines, back when he had been happy.

He remembered how childlike she had been back then, before the genocide started. Once Chara started killing she had grown up and matured a lot. But so had he.

(Y/n) used to make fun of all of his science books but once the genocide started Sans had become less and less interested in anything. As the books started to disappear and Sans started to loose interest in everything (Y/n) started to change to.

She looked less happy and she wasn't nearly as shy as she used to be. She started to get this strange look. A look of worry. Sans thought with a sigh. He wished he could make everything better but he didn't know how. How could he fix this?

He could start reading the stupid books again but it wouldn't matter. She would see he didn't enjoy doing that.

Maybe... he could start something new? Maybe he could... no. That wouldn't work.

He just needed to make her happy again. Stop her from worrying.

Quickly sans stands up. If (Y/n) wasn't with him where was she? In every timeline Sans could remember she had stuck by his side.

What if Undyne chose to visit Snowdin? She wouldn't hesitate to take (Y/n)'s Soul.

And even though most monsters are pretty Docile, not all monsters would sit by and watch a human walk by.

He wishes he hadn't of lied and told her he had work to do. It would be very obvious he had been lying if he looked for (Y/n) and found her. He had to wait a few hours before he could go find her without it looking suspicious.

But what if a monster had gotten ahold of her?

Quickly Sans made up his mind and teleported to the inn. He rushed up to the desk and asked if (Y/n) had checked in and let out a relieved sigh when the monster told him she had checked in an hour earlier. She told him the room and he bolted to the room almost running into the door.

With three short knocks he waited.

A few moments pass before (Y/n) opens the door and stands somewhat hidden behind it. She hadn't been expecting guests, and she was surprised to find Sans standing on the other side of the door.

The second the door was opened enough to see her Sans reached his arms out and wrapped her in a warm embrace which she returned.

"Thank Asgore." He mumbled

"Sans? Is everything alright? I thought you had to work?"

He pulls back and looks into her eyes. His face was flushed and he was breathing pretty hard from all the running. "I'm sorry... I got embarrassed and I just needed some time to think. If it isn't to late... want to go to Grillbys?"

(Y/n) chuckled. Embarrassed? She thought. The great Sans got embarrassed? And needed time to think?

She laughs again and nods. "Sounds good!"

She steps out of the room after grabbing her key and gives him a smile. "Let's go!"

They have a pun war all the way to Grillbys and right before They step inside Sans looks at her with a smile. Just like the timeline before she laughs happily and her hair bounced. It was beautiful and he really wanted to run his fingers through the (h/c) fluff.

He shakes off the thought and holds the door open for her. "Ladies first." He said with a goofy voice.

In return she giggles. "Oh my what a gentleman!"

The rest of the day was filled with puns and side looks. Neither of them knew it but they both were thinking the same thing. They had the same feelings for each other, but they were comfortable with this. They didn't want to mess up the good thing they had, so they kept their feelings hidden. They wouldn't stay that way for long...


Okay I've got to admit this chapter was hard for me to write. This morning was just a mess. I ended up waking up to get ready for school and there was a tornado watch. My mom took me to school and out of all the people who go to my school about 100 showed up.

Turns out school was canceled and since the power was out and phone services were not working all that well my School and those 100 students didn't know.

We got to school and they shoved us in classrooms, we all sat for about thirty minutes before the principal came and told us all to get our asses out. It took about an hour for me to get a ride home because my texts and calls were not coming through and finally my best friend got ahold of his mom.

I ended up riding home with them and now I'm stuck inside the house as the outside world goes to absolute hell.

Stressful morning. Sorry if this chapter is strange I just could not concentrate at all.
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Until next time~


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