Chapter 11

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I shoot out of bed and look around quickly.

After a moment I realize that I'm at Toriels house completely safe.

I feel tears well in my eyes, so curl up in bed and think about my nightmare.

It was Sans and I. I told him that I loved him, that I always had and he rejected me. He was so disgusting that a human like me loved a monster like him. I had cried and then.... snapped. I killed him. I killed him...

What I this dream is real? What if he doesn't love me and he is really disgusted of me? I shiver and let the silently tears leak down my cheeks.

How could a monster like Sans love a stupid human like me? He was so perfect... his cute eyes that somehow always show his emotions. That cute little blue tint on his face when he's embarrassed. Those beautiful smiles... and those puns.

I sigh and wipe away my tears. I just need to keep this feeling to myself. Don't let him know. Then we could stay friends. He won't hate me.
H e  w o n t  d i e.


I wake up around midnight and I feel sad. I feel like part of me is... empty. I feel all alone.

My dream comes back to me slowly and tears form in my eye sockets as I remember it.

(Y/n) had told me how she felt about me again. It was as if she had forgotten about last timeline. I didn't have control of myself as I rejected her harshly. Inside I was screaming and crying as she broke down before killing herself by shoving a knife into her heart.

My face is stained a bright blue from my tears when I finally calm down.

The feeling of lonesomeness sets in once again and I curl around myself. What is wrong with me? Maybe I just miss her. I wish she would show up already. I'm not sure if I could continue this plan or life in general without her.

Eventually I fall back asleep. The nightmares return and I sleep fitfully the rest of the night.


When I awake again the next morning I climb out of bed without so much as a smile on my face. Quickly, I change into a pair of clothes in the closet and toss my old pair in the trash. Sans is waiting for me. I rush to the living room feeling numb and lonely.

Toriel looks up from her book as I enter the room. "Toriel. I need to leave. I won't fight you. The last two humans who fell are a danger to the monsters. Don't try to stop me."

She sighs and gives me a sad smile. "I won't fight you my child. Protect them, and come back safe please." She gives me a warm hug before taking my hand and leading me to the Ruins' exit. "This is the exit to the ruins. The monsters need you. Go, save them."

"I will." I say and push open the door. I feel a tug on my soul and tears begin to tread down my face. Toriel is my mom. And I hate leaving her like this every timeline.

As soon as I step a foot into the snow I'm hit with a picture of Chara rushing past Undyne and Frisk stepping foot in waterfall. I get dizzy and fall into the snow. I don't hear the door slam shut behind me, though I know it did. 

Once the dizzy spell stops I pull myself up and continue forward. I limp through Snowdin forest with a sad look on my face. I miss mom.

I see something In the distance and begin to limp quicker. It's the bridge. I can see Sans! My face lights up with a huge smile as I slow before the bridge. I drop my smile quickly so I can hide my feelings and listen for Sans.

I wait a few minutes. But nobody came.

Tears fall from my eyes and I cross the bridge quickly. Papyrus never shows up, and any monster I see doesn't come near. I limp towards Sans house with tears still streaming down my face.

I become slower with every step and I begin to breath hard. Eventually I reach his door, before I can knock though I fall and hit my head on the door, unconscious.


I hear a thump downstairs. Papyrus is with Undyne so it can't be him. If it's not him maybe... I jump out of bed and fling myself down the stairs. I slam open the door and (Y/n) slumps forward. I quickly grab her with my magic so she doesn't hit the ground and pull her inside.

"(Y/n)?" I lay her on the couch gently and sit beside her. "(Y/n)?" Nothing. The only sound is her feeble breathing. Tears slide from my eyes and I grab her hand tightly. "Please, please wake up!"


After A few hours of sitting there watching her quietly, begging her to wake up, she groans. Quickly I lean forward and brush some hair out of her face. "(Y/n)? Can you hear me?"

Her pretty (E/c) eyes flutter open, and when she looks at me they fill with warmth, within a moment though they turn dull.  "Sans?" She asks quietly.

"Yes it's me! Are you okay? You were unconscious at my front door!" The words fly out quickly and she winces slightly.

"Well... I broke my leg when I fell and walking all the way to Snowdin really took a lot out of me." The words are hushed and they don't hold much emotion.

"Tibia honest you had me scared. I missed you a ton, a Skeleton." She snorts and laughs a little but the smile doesn't stay long. My smile drops a moment after hers does. "Are you okay?" I reach out to lay my hand on her cheek but she cowers away from me. Seeing this I pull the hand back quickly and back away.

"I- .... I'm fine. Chara and Frisk are getting close to judgment hall. We have to go soon.

She curls up. Her eyes are clouded and I suppose she is watching Chara or Frisk because she stays quiet. I sigh and sit on the floor nearby, watching her.

I'm not sure what happened, but she's acting weird.

Reserved... closed off.

I feel the loneliness wash over me again and when I look back at her she has tears In her eyes. They are still clouded and wide so I think nothing of it. Until she whispers three tiny words.

"I'm all alone."

It is with those words that I realize... we are both wrong. We aren't alone. We have each other.


*inhuman screech*

Heh somehow I managed to push back the fight.

So there's some stuff going on with you and Sans.

IF  YOU ARE CONFUSED, REMEMBER!  YOU HAVE FORGOTTEN THE LAST FEW TIMELINES (and some other things as you will find out soon...) If you liked this chapter, please consider giving it a vote.

Anyways, until next time~


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