Chapter 7

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I watch as Frisk makes her way through hotlands. She sure was taking her time this time around, She should have set us free by now. It's been two days since Sans and I had gone to Grillbys together and I was currently laying on his couch. Papyrus had met me and freaked out like normal talking about two humans and how popular he was going to be.

He was so sweet. He made me spaghetti and told me I could stay on their couch for a while. I wouldn't need it by tomorrow.

Sans was currently at work and I was getting really bored so I decided to teleport to him and hang out while he worked.

I pop up on the counter of his hotdog stand and he jumps up. I guess he was falling asleep and me suddenly popping into existence scared him.

"Oh gods... you should see the look on your face!" I bellow as I laugh uncontrollably. He looks confused for a moment before joining in.

"Oh man. You got me good kid." He says as he wipes away an imaginary tear.

Eventually we both settle down and start talking about this and that. His hotdog stand is overflowing with customers So I end up helping him make hotdogs and hotcats for everyone.

A lot of monsters end up hanging around and talking with us and I end up making a few new friends. It was really fun.

After a couple more hours of talking and working Sans tells me it's time to go home. I give him a warm smile and tug him out from behind the stand. He gives me a questioning look so I simply tell him that I want to walk instead of teleport.

We walk for a few minutes until I hear Sans mumble something. "Huh? Did you say something Sans?"

His face flushed and I giggle. I feel my hand being squeezed and then I notice that I never dropped his hand. My face bursts into flames and I stutter a quick sorry before letting go.

He smiles at me, and I can't help but notice how genuine the smile is. His face is still a little blue and his eyes seem to scream amusement. My face cools a little as I realize there is nothing to be embarrassed about. Sans and I are close and I honestly don't think something so little would ruin that.

He is kind of cute like this and he looks a little bit like he did the first timeline.


I slowly walk through a little snowy  forest. It's freezing and I honestly regret not bringing a jacket or gloves. I glance around nervously looking for any monsters. I've barely made it this far, if it weren't for Tori I probably would have died.

I step over a broken branch and continue walking. I see a bridge in the distance so I slow down. This bridge is monster made so that means monsters are near. I'm at full health now but if I run into monsters I won't last long. 

Finally I reach the bridge. As I look at it I notice bars, probably to stop humans from passing, though any human could easily fit through it.

I glance around nervously once again before stepping towards the bridge. I squeal as I hear someone shuffle behind me.

"Hello! You must be a human! I'm sans, what's your name?" I hear a bright voice ask behind me. I slowly turn around and hide behind my hair. (If you have short hair go with it.)

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