Chapter 14

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She's been missing for a week.

This week without her has been rough. It's not that I can't live without her, but I worry. What if she's hurt, or worse?

The artificial Soul is almost done. The hardest part had been the screaming that came with extracting part of their Souls. It was definitely painful, That much was clear. The encasing was easy to make, and currently all that was left was the setting.

The Determination had to sit in its casing for a little while so it could form and come together. I feel determined to get us out of here. It's what she wanted, and even if she isn't coming back I owe her this.

The Soul should be done by tonight. Hopefully this works.


I've stayed with mom for a full week. I miss him. He's all I really think about anymore.

The determination is still there. I'm not sure what it is, but I've learned to push the feeling aside. I've thought about it and I think I might have an idea where the feeling is coming from. But I don't want to think about that.

Mom left a little bit ago, said she had to check for humans. I wonder if she misses Chara and Frisk. She seems to be a lot happier since I came back, and I'm happy she found me. This place is safe. This place is my home.

I... I feel something different. For the first time in the last week I open my mind and reach out for Frisk. Quickly I grab hold and look through her eyes. Chara and her are holding hands, he is walking beside Chara, Alphys walks next to Frisk holding a... Soul?

A red Soul at that, how I'm the world did they get that?! Then I notice the encasing, an artificial Soul. They actually made it.  They are almost to the barrier. I think for a second then reach out to his mind. I want to see from his point of view.


We are closing in on the barrier. I feel determined down to my bones. I will get us out of here. At that thought I slow my step. I shoot Alphys a look and they all carry on without me. I need a moment.

They enter an elevator and a fall to the floor and stare at the wall. "I... I don't know if you're alive
(Y/n), but if you are please come back. I need you in my life. I don't want to live without you. I love you." Tears well in my eyes but I wipe them before they could fall. I've shed to many tears.

"This isn't who you ARE (Y/n)! God damnit. Stop doing this. You never run. Stop hiding in the shadows. Come back to me. We belong in each other's arms." I spit the words out with such a venom that I surprise myself.

I sigh once before teleporting to judgement hall which the others are walking through. I burst through the doors to the throne room and scare Asgore half to death. "We have an idea."

"Oh Sans! Great to see you my friend. How about soon tea? Oh you brought some friends?" He glances behind me before gasping and going for his weapon. Quickly I grab his Soul.

"They aren't your enemy, they helped us create an artificial Soul. Now I'll let you go as long as you don't attack." He nods and I let him go. He drops his arm and looks at the humans wearily.

"Artificial Soul?" I nod at Alphys and she shows him the encased Soul. "Let me show you the barrier."

He leads us to the barrier. Alphys squeaks when she sees is but the rest of us don't react. We've all seen this barrier a million times. "Flowey! It's time for you to break the barrier."

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