How it should have happened

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As Frisk scrolled through the internet, they became more and more dissapointed with humanity.

First, the whole country was crying over a gorilla. Next, new genders were popping up left and right. With the genders came the feminazis. Then Trump became president, and everything went downhill.

Frisk was disgusted by all these "he is not my president" posts. Of course he was their president! He had just been sworn in for God's sake! Frisk let out a sigh as they closed their laptop and set it aside.

Why are people such idiots?

Frisk hopped off their bed and walked over to the window. They rested their forehead against the cool glass and looked toward Mount Ebbot. Legend has it that those who go to the mountain never return.

Welp, this world's gone to shit. Might as well see if the legends are true.

Frisk snuck past their mother, who was busy running her feminist blog and sipping coffee from her male tears novelty mug.

Frisk ran out the door and sprinted towards the mountain. As they reached the base, they could feel some kind of... energy. Shrugging it off, they began to ascend the fabled mountain.

As they were nearing the top, they discovered a cave. In the cave sat a rather large hole. Frisk went over to investigate it. As they were walking, a vine seemingly came out of nowhere and screamed DAMMNNN DANIEL before wrapping itself around Frisk's leg, making them tumble into the hole.

Frisk fell for what seemed like forever.

They hit the ground and died from the impact.

The End

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