Neutral ending in a nutshell

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So there they were, Frick dodging and weaving through Asswhore's fire and trident attacks. They didn't want to fight him, but they had to cause dramatic plot stuffs.

France finally managed to knock Ashore to his last sliver of health. He went on about this dumb guilt trip speech, something about his dead kids and missing wife.

"Yeah, yeah, whatever. Just accept my mercy and let's go," Fork said.

Familiar white pellet surrounded Adore, and fucking kILLED THAT BOI, LIKE DAMN.

It was that little yellow flower fucker, Flowey. Ford suddenly had a strong urge to take up gardening as a hobby. Flower laughed like a little squeaky gremlin and took the goddamn souls of the innocent. Flour used his mind or whatever to exit Oondertall, and you, the player, got mind fucked.

The game opened again and Friday found them self in a black void. They saw a yellow speck in the distance and walked towards it, feeling no emotion. Surprise surprise, it was Floaty. He licked his... lips? With a... tongue... okay where did he get that? Wait, does he eat or photosynthesi-

Flippy leaned in and whispered in Flock's ear.

"It's just a prank, bro."

That flower ni🅱🅱a turned into a... how does one describe it? Okay, try thinking of the worst thing you can think of. You got that? Now, dip it pizza grease and run it through Satan's asshole a few times. Make sure to add a little bow tie, though, because some fanart manages to make this fucking photoshop clusterfuck cute. That's what this thing was.

This thing had everything. Flamethrowers (?), a human mouth, human eyes, a monitor, plant feet, vines, and gross pulsing wires. It even had finger guns, guns that shot fingers, which even Freak thought was clever.

The beast let out an ear-piercing laugh, completely blowing out Flick's eardrums.

After a good ten minutes of absolute confusion, Fizz did the thing and beat the monster. They decided to be kind to the poor plant and spare it, but that lil bitch ran away.

After a rather depressing call from sans the skelefuck, the flower popped up again.

"Wuss poppin, 🅱? Actually, I don't care. Anyways, go back and talk to Alphys. Maybe then, you'll finally be satisfied."

And he was gone.


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