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Dedicated to GlisteningBlueRoses for been outright supportive and completely awesome.

I've got a little secret 

I want to tell
Come closer, 
my whispers mustn't be heard

How unfair life is
has kept me wandering;
Through thick shards
I see my once gleeful heart
shattering into pieces

Can you keep a secret?

Because I can't
That's why I'm letting it all out
The burden of my heart
will be eased
No gut wrenching secrets to 
keep me tied
I'll move freely as a bird
fleeing from an estranged bastille

Can you keep a secret?

Because I can't

Hush love
don't fret
help me keep
my secret safe.

"Secrets" Yours Truly(Me)


Courtney frowned as she reluctantly got up. Her eyes settled on a book she hadn't noticed lying on the bed earlier on. The book had Ali's name boldly engraved on it. She quickly opened it and heaved a sigh of relief when she read the first words. Ali's Diary Property of Alicia Read At Your Own Risk.


Courtney Pepperman swept her eyes through the cluster of Italianate buildings which passed by her in despair. A number of trees with decussate branches came into view. She watched silently as they drove several miles away from Woodwave. Her kerry blue eyes snapped shut as she drew in deep breaths to calm her nerves.

She pried open her eyes when she felt the weight of another arm around her shoulders. "Are you okay?" Cecil Pepperman asked, concern masked behind her appraising eyes.

Courtney caught her father looking through the review mirror, she gave him her most smoldering glare and turned to her mom, "Of course I am. I don't get chased out of my home all the time so I'm quite ecstatic." she replied, sarcasm evident in her voice.

"We will be  back in Woodwave after a few months, I thought I already made that clear." Jimford Pepperman snapped as he bent the almond white SUV onto another curve.

Courtney clenched her seat belt tightly. She still  didn't perceive why they had to live. She had no strength left to argue so she only settled on "I hate you Dad,"  as her tiny frame raked with sobs.

Cecil scooted closer to her and gathered her into her arms, whispering a few soothing words into her ears. "Everything will be fine I promise," she grimaced, staring at her husband who sat unwaveringly behind the wheel.

The drive went on for hours; Courtney was beginning to think they were never going to reach their destination until the car precipitously lurched to a halt. Lifting herself to a much appropriate stance, she took in the steady mansion which stood before her. Her eyes flicked to her mum who looked just as astounded as she was.

Beautiful was an understatement. Courtney wasn't even sure there were words that befitted the staggering two level house which bathed gloriously in the light reflected by the crescent moon. She got out of the car still dazzled by the house. She stood on the mossy grass patiently waiting for her parents to break the astute silence with an explanation.

Cecil looked taken aback herself and that made Courtney very sure that her mum had no idea why they where there. "Is there something I should know?" Cecil asked her husband skeptically.

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