~23~ Love Me Not

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Thanks again @Rukky360 for the beautiful bookcover!

Started with a glimmer in your baby doll eyes

Worked it with your shimmer then made off with the prize
Made and broke the covenant we found ourselves in
Baptized in the waters of original sin

Give me an "L" for the loser that you'd swore I'd never be
An "O" as in over - just like you and me
I need a "V" as in victim, which is just what I am
An "E" for education 'cause I just don't understand
How could I give you the best I got
And it all still spells L.O.V.E. me not  

~Nelson "Love Me Not"

The perfect date. People described that as; sitting under the spark of a daring but enchanting moonlight as you bathed under its beauty with the one you loved and others also ascertained it to the fact that a perfect date was, sitting on a golden beamed patio while ravishing your most favorite meal as you stared at the glistening shimmers of the full moon. But Alicia Pepperman thought 'the perfect date' (emphasis on the) was one name—Jesse Mclurkin. 

  It was a starry Friday night. The sequin-silver stars–which looked like scattered diamond dust–caused an enrapturing expanse across the midnight black sky and even more so, made everything worth dying for. Alicia was all smiles and she was very flattered that he had gone through all this to make her this happy. Well it only took a phone call to get them where they were now but she still appreciated the effort he had gone through to make this happen. She blushed for what seemed like the umpteenth time when his gaze met hers. 

  If anyone had told her she was ever to going to end up here with Jesse Mclurkin, she would have laughed at the person in the face and told him/her to get a life. She'd gone to school this morning feeling like a rickety bus had run her over and to make matters worse; Zach was still pursuing her. And now she believed he was stalking her because he was everywhere—all over the place to be exact. He was at the library, he was at the art department, he was at the business department. Heck, there was no where she'd gone today and did not see Zach.

  It was actually pretty hard to forget about someone you loved when they were constantly in your face. He even followed her to the parking lot when school closed, she'd had the last straw and was just about to tell him what she thought he could do with his apparently aimless life which only included stalking girls, when her knight in the shining armor—in the form of Jesse Mclurkin, swooped in to safe her. So she was left to make a choice between the guy who made her cry and the one who made her smile at a stone throw.    

  Undoubtedly, she'd chosen the one who made her smile. She'd left Zach even as he protested against them both(Jesse and her) going out. Alicia seriously didn't know why he was so much into her business. It wasn't like he even cared enough for her when she was alive. She was always a shadow to him. It was so typical of him to get interested in the hot new girl. So she'd jumped into Jesse's car and they quickly sped off leaving a seething Zach behind.   

  Alicia got to find out once she was in Jesse's car that he was rich. Filthy rich. The guy had quickly made reservations at a seafood bistro and even though Alicia had protested, he claimed he felt that he owed it to a pretty girl, to take her out on a date before he took her home. Alicia had been a little worried because she knew Philippe would be looking for her, she hadn't known she was going to have an impromptu date. It was all Zach's fault, she wouldn't have gotten into Jesse's car if he wasn't insistent on following her.   

  They arrived at the Parisian bistro a few hours ago and Alicia was acquiescently  awed at its beauty. It was a fancy little restaurant, with high Victorian-styled ceilings and intricate designs, ranging from the classic art portraits to the fancy wooden tables and chairs. Her eyes swept through the chefs and exquisitely dressed people, she looked down at her savvy knee length dress and ankle boots and knew she was totally under-dressed. Jesse had understood she felt inferior and quickly demanded they had their meal on a terrace. And that was were they where currently, ingesting the cool air which constantly blew their way.   

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