~11~ Riven

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Dedicated to graycie_Benz. Here's your update girl.

Warning: This chapter was written in a rush so brace yourselves for more typos and grammatical errors. I'm very sorry.

You hold in one hand
Such a promising fate
But your other hand
Hides a disillusioned hate

You're riven inside
You're torn into fire and ice

Your soul, it screams
A fever's smouldering
But it can't enlight
Your heart that's frozen to ice

Your cold eyes
Show no feeling inside

All they say to me
Is lost in eternity

You're riven inside

You're torn into fire and ice 

~Atargatis "Riven"

The morning sun morphed into a sparkling white coral as it rose beneath the horizon. Elongated steady trees swayed to the lovely berceuse being hummed by croaky frogs and songful birds. Ana Perla stirred in her sleep. This was the longest and deepest slumber she had ever had since she met, you know who.

Hours had turned into days and days had turned into weeks, but she had still stood on her grounds not to help Alicia. The young ghost had been perpetual in worrying and ridding her of all the rest and sleep she needed. She was more like the walking dead now. Even Ali was beginning to look more alive than she was.

She stretched forth her arms and her muscles ticked in response. She looked around her enormously spacious room. A frown etched her roundish face when her eyes couldn't find Alicia. She was used to seeing her sitting on her plush pink bean bag every time she awoke from her sleep. 

It was very unusual not to see curious green eyes peering at her now that she was fully awake. She couldn't help but feel a sudden shake of terror. Could it be that her forty days were up? No it couldn't be. She shook her head. Alicia looked like she had only died recently.

Ana Perla palmed her face. "No, No, No," she quickly got out of her bed and dashed of her room taking her robe along with her. She shrugged it over her slender body, hiding the revealing nightie that lay underneath. 

She trailed her hand along the lustrous mahogany banister as she got off the stairs in a rush. The stairs curved into a long graceful sweep and she was beginning to wonder if she was ever going to get to the bottom. Her eyes narrowed in on a girl brushing a dust cloth around the edges of a humongous white sculpture. "Magdalene, have you seen A-" she paused. How stupid could she get? She firmly closed her mouth, stopping herself before she could ask anything rash. Of course Magdalene didn't know who Ali was, how could she when Ali was nothing but a ghost.

Magdalene stopped cleaning and quickly bowed her head in greeting. "Have I seen?" she asked, a little bewildered as to why her mistress had stopped talking.

"Have you seen Andre?" Ana Perla asked uncertainly, her face squeezing into a tight smile.

"His wife was admitted at the hospital today, so he won't be around much."

"Is anything wrong?" Ana Perla asked. Even though her butler was sometimes a pain in her derriere she was still concerned about his well being and that of his family's.

"None that I know of ma'am," Magdalene answered, unable to meet Ana Perla's eyes.

"Okay, I'll be in my room. Let me know if anything happens." Ana Perla turned to walk back to her room. There was still no sign of Alicia. She silently prayed, hoping Alicia hadn't walked into the light. She didn't mean to be rude and hot headed, but anyone in her shoes would have done worst.

Maybe she should have helped Ali, maybe she should have listened to what she had tried to tell her on countless occasions, maybe just maybe she could have spared her all the hurt of feeling unwanted. She sulked as she leisurely walked into her room feeling quite contrite and remorseful.

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