Prologue (Start Here)

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A little bird went for a stroll one night
Into the woods it went
looking for a suitable branch to perch on
It found one and was happy for a moment

Chirping and twittering its life away
Little did it know that moment-like others-
wasn't meant to last forever

And yes that little doze of happiness didn't last forever

It died before it had a chance
to flap its wings again
Little birdie didn't have to die
but it did die
Leaving the world with unanswered questions
as to when, how and why it died.

I do not know how it died;

But I do know how it soared back to life...

The moon glistened, spreading its cerulean iridescence across the grey skies. Tiny noises and fleeting buzzes made by cicadas and birds interrupted the peace of the night, creating an ear-splitting crescendo. In the midst of this imperceptible calmness, the little town of Woodwave, stood in perfect glory.

Silence like a sharp cutting knife, pierced through the thick walls that hooded every part of the town. Everyone-young and old, strong and mild, impertinent and weak-was indoors except for a lifeless body which laid on a cracked stone tiled floor.

A warm breeze blew over the body, which turned out to be that of a girl who was barely 16. Her face was covered in her own blood that had dried up as the hours ticked by. Birds hovered around the body, drawn by the intoxicatingly stale scent of death and raw blood. They relieved in it and as treacherous as they were, thought it a sign for them to have a bountiful feast.

The residents of Woodwave, as clueless and ignorant as they were, carried on with their nighttime activities until the sun pushed the moon away, paving way for a bright morning to set in. Bill Trunkett-a well-built man in his late thirties-was the first to notice a body lying on the street as he went for his usual morning stroll. With panic stricken hands, he dialed 911 and reported the rather unfortunate incident to an officer at the other end of the receiver.

"Mr Trunkett can you please calm down, we will be right there." The officer assured him before hanging up.

A few minutes later squad cars, CSI vans and morgue wagons were splattered along the streets. Bill Trunkett stood near the body in sheer horror, unaware of what was happening or where he was. Anyone could tell he was still in shock.

He failed to notice the number of people who had gathered upon hearing the blaring disturbances the sirens had created. He winced under the heating glares of the scorching sun.

"Mr Trunkett, please step away from the body," A man in thick rimmed sunglasses nudged, breaking him away from his daze.

The man looked intimidating in his dark shirt and equally dark jeans. He had a shock of white hair which sat perfectly above his swarthy face in simple waves, adding a much leonine touch to his already daunting aura. He sighed when Bill Trunkett did not move.

"Um okay." Bill Trunkett replied and slowly walked away from the scene as the body was placed on a large silver gurney.

"Mr Trunkett, I'm Detective Casely Grey," The man who had approached him earlier on shouted, bringing a halt to his movements.

"Call me Bill," He replied as he furrowed his brows, wondering why the detective had stopped him from leaving.

"I'm sorry for the inconvenience Mr Trun... Bill. I've a few questions to ask and I hope you give me the answers I'm looking for," Detective Casely stated, tucking his sunglasses into his pocket.

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