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  "I felt lethal, on the verge of frenzy. My nightly blood lust overflowed into my days and I had to leave the city. My mask of sanity was a victim of impending slippage. This was the bone season for me and I needed a vacation." ― Brett Easton Ellis, American Psycho. 

"You are going to do what I say." The caller angrily barked at the other end of the line.

"I don't get why you still think you have a say in my life!" He hissed, his father always found ways to nettle him up when he did his best to keep his anger in check.

"Your flight is in three hours and that's final! Get everything cleared up and do as I say. Any mistake this time, and I swear I'll kill you myself!" his dad shouted. He could feel his anger from where he was standing. Letting out a frustrated groan, he lifted his eye up to the ribbed ceiling and ended the call. He didn't need more chastening from the old man. What he needed now, was to get his shit straight. He pulled out a cigar from the golden bronze case and sucked in the smoky scent of tobacco and oaky eucalyptus.

He slowly puffed out the smoke in small ringlets, whilst staring blindly as the wisps of grey smoke, dissolved in the dense air. Banging his head loudly on his expensive wooden table, he muttered a string of mundane curses. His life sucked. He thought he had done a good job sweeping everything under the mat. But he just found out how wrong he was this morning. He had done his possible best to stay hidden after what he did to Alicia Pepperman. None of this would have happened if she had given in easily.

If she'd given in and requited his love for her, he wouldn't have killed her and he definitely wouldn't have been in this stupid mess.

He would have killed the bitch again if she was alive. Now, his father who had previously expected more of him thought he was failure. He sneered. What did the old man expect? A fine gentleman, who made no mistakes? Ever heard of a bird giving birth to a lion? He only turned out this way because he had grown up wasting his life away with his father's useless right hands. He learnt how to shoot when he was only five and that came in very handy when he got into a fight with a lowlife who'd tried cheating him out of his hard earned money. Money he had earned through tough gambling.

He loved Alicia Pepperman with all his heart, he still did. He wasn't sure as to why the girl had to be so stubborn after he revealed his true feelings to her. He was smart, had the good looks and the perfect body. He spent his early years in high school stalking and following her around until he hit the jackpot when her clueless best friend expressed her interest in him. It made things more complicated but it also salvaged his greed of wanting Alicia only for himself, by becoming a good boyfriend figure to Mitchie.

He had been obsessed with Alicia's green eyes and how she would shyly lower her head every time he spoke to her. How she frustratedly brushed her hands through her long blonde hair anytime she got an answer wrong in class. He loved every tiny detail about her. He palmed his face and let out a loud cry. Why did she have to make him do what he did? He politely asked her to come with him, and she had refused. That triggered something in him, it triggered his madness, it triggered his obscenity. It brought back the ill memories of never getting what he wanted. It made him do something he regretted, he killed her, he killed Alicia Peppermanand now he knew without doubt he was going to pay for it. He had known that, when she died in his arms after crying out hoarsely for help. Heck, he had even known that after he dumped her body in front of her house.

He shouldn't have stayed in Woodwave after that, he should have left town like his father had suggested. But he was never one to listen to his father, the man only survived on hard drugs, nothing he said was to be taken seriously. "I'm going to kill you Jimford Pepperman. You fucking son of a bitch!" He yelled angrily whilst slamming his fist on the dull grey wall at his posterior. Wasn't the bastard paid enough to keep quiet about what happened? That greedy bastard still had to go ahead and ruin everything by telling the cops.

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