~22~ Busted

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Dedicated to @Rukky360 for the beautiful banner she made. Thank you so much girrrrl!! Xx

There's a new cop on the beat

And I'm bringing down the heat
My eyes are wise to all your lies, cause you're not that discreet
And I don't care what you've heard
'Cause there's one six letter word
It's gonna set me free
(Gonna set me free)
It starts with a b
(Starts with a b)
It goes B-U-S-T-E-D you are busted!

I don't wanna put the hurt on you
But you better believe me when I tell you
That I finally got the dirt on you
You're busted  

~Phineas And Ferb "Busted"

It was a blue day. The guileless air blew with an unspoken amount of ruefulness. In contrast to how depressing the day was, Ana Perla felt a sudden rush of excitement, and she knew not why she was so happy. She'd woken up from sleep with a big smile and gone about her duties flexibly, which was quite unusual, especially when she always seemed to be in a sour mood anytime she had to sign paperworks or attend to the rest of her staff at the estate. Everyone had thrown questioning glances her way, wondering why their mistress was in such great spirits. 

  Maybe it had to do with the plan she'd come up with when she kissed Alicia goodbye as she headed for school. She was surprised she hadn't thought of it earlier. Stretching her hands, she grinned, eyes beaming with anticipation. The detective wouldn't know what hit him, 'operation get hold of the autopsy results' was still at a go and she was going to take illegal measures if she had to, to obtain a copy. 

  She deftly jabbed an apple with her fork as she mumbled a tune to Blondie's 'one way or another'. She was an oldie fanatic. Placing the fork back on the porcelain china plate, she grabbed her phone book which laid on the polished nickel accented coffee table and scanned through the list of contacts she had, her hazel eyes hawk-sharp and eagle-bold.

  She smiled when her eyes caught the contact she was looking for. Feeling smart and blithely confident about what she was about to do, she adjusted the old fashioned glasses lying on her sharp nose. She wasn't bespectacled or anything close to it for that matter. She just wanted to look serious because she was on a mission—a very dangerous one. 

   Ana Perla dialed the number and waited patiently as it beeped. "Paulo?" she spoke into the receiver, after her first attempt failed.

  "Senorita Del Rosario?" The voice at the other end asked with uncertainty. 

  "Si, it's been so long Paulo I'm going to die from missing you too much,"She pouted, forgetting that he couldn't see her.

  "You need something, don't you?" Paulo asked, voice sounding lacey with laughter.   

  "What? So now I can't call when I miss you?" Ana Perla asked a little hurt. She missed him, she really did, but that wasn't why she called; she had more pressing needs.   

"You can drop the act now Ana," he teased

"Okay fine you caught me,"

"That's the Ana I know and love. So what is it this time?"

"Paulo I need your help." She launched into speech mode.


"Hacking into a highly secured Intel, you did that once, right?" She asked looking hopeful. He was her only chance. She'd zero knowledge where computers were concerned. 

  "That was in the past Ana, I've turned over a new leaf now. I've repented and all."   

  "I know but just this once, okay? And besides you won't be the one committing the deed. I'll be doing it here at my end and you will only tell me what I need to do," 

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