Cubed Chapter one: Where are we???

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Gemini's POV

I just finished editing my Vlog which was like totally A, for A-MAZ-ING. Anyway I like totally aced it and can't wait to see the likes roll in. It's getting kinda late and I have a test tomorrow. I lie down, and after 30 minutes of Instagram, 30 minutes of tumbrl and an hour of wattpad I find myself in a deep peaceful sleep.

The next thing I know I awake to the sound of a strong Spanish accent arguing with a fellow American. I open my eyes and see a boy with brown hair and I realise I had been resting my head on he's lap.

"Hey, pretty boy, she's up." he (he being Scorpio) yells to a guy (Aries) who is arguing with the Spanish guy (Leo). He sends me a glance then immediately return to their argument. I look left of them to see a girl with long white hair (Aquarius) chatting with a long haired red head (Sagittarius). The two were surrounded by a long hair blond (Libra) trying to comfort a crying white haired boy (Cancer).

"Oh-oh-oh I know exactly what happened, it was the aliens. I keep trying to warn people." The girl with long white hair proposed.

"Yeah, I see it now. We're probably stuck here forever now, right?" red head asked receiving a knowing nod in return.

"Guys don't be ridiculous, your scaring cancer!" The blonde yelled at the two signs.

I here an exhausted sigh come from behind me and see an innocent looking brunet (Capricorn) with a tall black haired boy (Virgo) and a brown hair boy that looked very tired (Taurus).

"Those idiots aren't helping anything." The brunet mumbled with an Australian accent

" shit." The boy says with a tone full of sarcasm.

I'm starting to panic, when a kind looking boy with orange hair (Pisces), comes up to me with a gentle smile and starts to explain what's going on.

"It's okay, you don't know what happened, do you?" He says kindly and I shake my head, because for the first time in my life I'm at a loss of words.

"Don't worry you're not the only one. We all just woke up here see we're still in our Pyjamas and everything." As he says this I look around for proof realising he's right.

He continues in a calm voice "Now, how about you come away from Scorpio before he tries to sexually assault you." As he says this I turn around to see him smirking and realise that I had been leaning over him with my hand in between his crossed legs, I quickly move away and turn my face in embarrassment and hear him snickering behind me.

"It's okay, there's no need to be embarrassed these things happen when to people have feelings." Scorpio says teasingly until The brunet (Capricorn) walks past and whacks him hard on the back of his head along the way.

"Ouch, what was that for!" he cries out but the brunet just ignores him and keeps walking.

"You see, Capricorn just gets really jealous when the people she likes talks to other girls." he says trying to put a bad name out for her until he gets cut off by Virgo and Taurus who both hit him on the head along the way as they follow after Capricorn.

The girl named Capricorn strides up to the crying boy with three girls.

"Hey, quit jumping to conclusions it'll only course panic." she says her accent clear yet her voice calm and quite.

"Move along and sit with the others. We're gonna find out what happened." She says directing them to where The kind boy, Scorpio and I are, Before marching over to where the Spanish guy was having his argument.

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