Cubed Chapter 3: Will we fail???

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Taurus's POV:

Everyone walks into their designated change rooms. I stop in front of the boys change room, I don't think I can go in there they might all find out if I do, then what would they think? I decided to wait for them to change before I go in. I sit down and rest my back against the wall. Capricorn is the first to change and comes stumbling out of the girl's room looking down at her new attire provided by the voice. She looks up when she notices me and see that I haven't changed.

"Hey, why aren't you changing?" she says throwing her hands up at me. I look down in silence and she seems to realise something is wrong. She slowly sits down next to me and waits for me to talk.

When I first met Capri she seemed very trustworthy and we seemed to get along well, so I decided to just tell her. 

"I'm gay." I blurt out and Capri remains looking forward in silence.

"You don't want the others to know?" she asks. 

"I don't know, I've never told anyone before," I say shaking my head looking down. Capricorn looks over at my reaction and lets out a smile.

"I'm glad you told me, now maybe you don't have to feel so alone." she says facing forward again with her usual emotionless face, but I know she really did care no matter what her expression said. 

"How about you wait for the others to finish, and then you can change." She says and then we hear talking coming from the change rooms and we both stand up.

"These clothes are so weird," Gemini says looking down at her new outfit as she walks towards us with Libra.

"Well, I like them! I feel like a trendy ninja," Libra says making Gemini giggle. Then all the other boys come out of the change room in there new outfits. 

"I don't understand why were here," Virgo sighs. My eyes immediately fall on Cancer who looked so cute. He was wearing a black long sleeve shirt and a denim black vest with its hood up. He's teary-eyed face looked like perfection as it hid behind his white hair. They then notice us and typical Scorpio comes running.

"Well, well, ladies." He says putting one arm over Libra and one over Gemini

"You look good," Aries says nervously he's eyes not leaving Gemini. I smile seeing his obvious crush on the air sign. Gemini was wearing a loose, black, midriff shirt with its hoodie down and she had high-waisted black denim shorts. 

"Get of em, before the voice has you shot for sexual harasment." Capricorn jokes.

"Oh," Scorpio says taking his arm of Gemini and holding his hand to his chest. 

"Is someone getting jealous again?" he jokes.

" In your dreams," Capricorn jokes rolling her eyes and he turns to Libra.

"It's ok, if we run now she won't be able to stop us," he says cherishing her hand to his chest, until she pushes him off and everyone laughs, well almost everyone. I turn around to see Virgo standing frozen wide-eyed.

"Um, Virgo, you ok?" I ask waving my hand following in his gaze only to see it fall on Capricorn. Leo must off got the hint too. 

"Aww, has someone got a crush?" He says teasingly.

"oh, what no, Fuck off," Virgo says covering his face glancing at Capricorn who was now laughing with Libra and Scorpio.

"See you even swear as much as her," Leo says laughing.

"Aw, see, I knew you liked her," Gemini says sweetly.

"Shut up," he says sulking. Capri was wearing fingerless black gloves looking like she was ready to punch someone. She had Black high waisted jeans and was wearing a tight long sleeved midriff shirt. The other girls come out of the changing rooms and everyone forms the own group. Libra, Pisces, Aquarius and Sagittarius are talking, Scorpio and Capricorn are arguing with Aries while Gemini tries to break up their argument, Leo was teasing Virgo who was hiding his head sitting up against the wall while Cancer watched them giggling. My eyes somehow always found their way back to Cancer and he catches me staring at him and gives a weak smile. I look away embarrassed.

"Huh! Why haven't you changed?" His soft voice says and he's words seem to leave everyone in the room staring at me.

"I asked him to talk to me for a bit," Capricorn said. 

"I was a bit stressed," she says as Scorpio looks at her worried and Virgo stands up straight and stairs at his crush wishing he was the one she talked to. 

"You should go change now Taurus," she says smiling and I mouth thank you to her before turning you the change rooms.

Scorpio's POV:

I turn to Capricorn feeling a little betrayed she didn't talk to me about her problems. Then the ram talks again.

"Aww, was our fearless leader scared," He says teasingly in a way that makes me what to punch his face for talking to her that way before walking away. I step forward ready to yell at him until Capricorn holds me back.

"Sorry," Gemini mumbles before running after him. I look down to find out why she stopped me and find her pulling a very serious face.

"Now, Scorpio if you ever remember one thing in life let it be this," she says seriously and it makes me start to worry.

"No matter how hard you try, There is just no point... In arguing with idiots," she finishes.....


Then....We both just burst out laughing at the goats funny but true outlook on life. Once we regain ourselves I take the opportunity to ask her about why she was talking to Taurus.

"Hah, so, why did you talk to Taurus when you needed a talk?" I ask.

"I was wondering how long it would take you to ask that." she says smiling and I start to feel embarrassed.

"Look, Whenever I feel stressed and need someone to talk to I promise to go to you, is that satisfying enough?" the goat asks smiling Which makes me smile too

"I guess it will have to be," I say and we both turn around laughing.

"-Ouch," Capricorn says as soon as she turns around having just run into Virgo. What! when did he get there?

"Hey, dumb goat heard you were stressed, so, what's wrong?" He asks trying to act like he doesn't care.

"Why do you care?" Capricorn snaps still not trusting him after waking up here to his face.

"I-i don't... But if your taking lead I need to know your not distracted. So, from now on if you ever feel sad or need someone come to me first." The earth sign demands. Capricorn laughs and just walks past him, while he stands there confused.

"Look, Buddy, if you want her to know you like her I think you should probably, Um, I don't know, maybe stop ordering her around," I say to him before walking after her. 

I hope you enjoyed this chapter. I know there hasn't been much of some of the signs in the story so far but I promise if you stick around for future chapters there will be more about them. Also please don't be afraid to use the comment section, I love hearing your feedback. Next is Leo's POV so get ready for speedy gonzales and the rest of the gang to walk the bridge.

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