Cubed Chapter 9/ Where Are We Now???

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Scorpio's POV:

We all gather out front, ready for the voices orders.

"Where do we go now?" Capricorn asks and we wait for a reply.

"Walk along the lake, on about thirty minutes you will come across a staircase, take the staircase and it will lead you to a challenge," the voice replies and we all look at one another.

"What kind of challenge?" Virgo asks and the voice makes a noise you might call laughing.

"I haven't chosen one yet," the voice says and we all start to walk. Capricorn went on ahead and Virgo followed silently behind her.

"So, what do-" He tries to speak but Capricorn cuts him off.

"Don't talk to me," he sighs and walks away, I'm starting to feel bad for the guy. I go forward and talk to Capricorn.

"Hey, you okay?" I ask hesitantly.

"Yeah, why wouldn't I be?" She says so cheerfully it almost convinces me.

"Because I saw you and Virgo yesterday," I say and she sighs.

"I just need to sort out my thoughts, that's all, I'm fine," she says smiling at me weakly and we walk in silence the rest of the way.

Leo's POV:

I was walking alone and heard Libra happily humming.

"Can you please stop with you annoying humming," I beg and Sagittarius cuts in.

"It's not annoying, It's One Call Away by Charlie Puth," she says defending her friend.

"You like that song too?" Libra asks with excitement and they both start singing.

"Oh, please if your gonna sing at least chose a good song," I say sighing and Aries agrees.

"Yeah, like something by the weeknd or something," The girls ignored us and kept singing it didn't take long for us to start a full on girls vs boys song battle.

When we arrive at the stairs we all stand there and exchange a glance before walking up to the mysterious room. When we reach the top we all spread put looking rather confused. The room we enter is small and full of instruments, at the back of the room there are two doors labelled rehearsal room one and rehearsal room 2.

"Rehearsal room?" Virgo questions and we all shrug.

"This challenge was inspired by the singing battle you had on the way her, I introduce the battle of the bands," the voice announces and Capricorn, Scorpio, Virgo and Taurus let out a sigh.

"Oh, good job guys," Scorpio say clapping sarcastically.

"The rules are boys vs girls, you can perform one song, have tree hours to practice and the winner gets dinner," the voice says and everyone starts to talk.

"What, we have to do this to eat?" Libra groans.

"This can't be legal," Taurus says shaking his head.

"I'm pretty sure none of this is legal," Capricorn say sighing.

"Your practice time starts now," the voice says and that's all we hear from her for the next three hours.

"How about we the contest but share the dinner, agreed?" Capricorn asks and we all agree.

Capricorns POV:

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