Cubed Chapter 12: where are the others???

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Sagittarius POV:

I wonder if Leo and the others are ok but I guess the only way to find out is by solving the riddle. It had all ready been an hour and we made no progress.

"We should talk about it and say it in a different context that way we might be able to understand what it is," Pisces suggests and we all sit down in a circle.

"So, let's think, what dies when it drinks," he says in deep thought.

"I can't think of anything," Cancer says shaking his head.

"Maybe we're asking the wrong question," I say and they all look at me confused.

"Well, it was never actually said that it was drunk, it just said that the water killed it. Maybe we should be asking what water kills," I say and they seem to agree.

"But, what does water kill?" Aquarius ask and we all go silent as our thoughts grow louder.

"Fire," I hear Cancer mumble beside me.

"What did you say?" I ask and he looks surprised.

"Oh, nothing I was just thinking out loud," he says hiding his face in embarrassment.

"Yeah, but what were you thinking?" I ask and he reluctantly tells me.

"Well the only thing I could think of that water kills is fire," he says and Pisces stands up excitedly.

"Give me food and I will live, give me water and I will die. What am I? Your fire! Voice is that right?" He asks and we all stand-up. The room is silent before the voice starts to speak.

"That is... Correct," the voice says and we all start to smile and giving high fives. Cancer is partially happy that he was able to solve the riddle and we all thank him. Our celebrations quickly get cut off as the ground starts to shake. We group together. We can't see the room moving but we can feel it changing around us. It feels as though we are trapped between the moving mechanics of some sort of machine. We close our eyes and prepare our selves for what ever is about to come.

Taurus POV:

The to fire signs had started a punch out and I wasn't sure what to do but if they didn't stop soon someone would get hurt and we'd never be able to solve the riddle. Gemini was crying out screaming at them to stop but they didn't listen. I run up and do my best to separate the two.

"You idiots if you don't stop now we will never get out of here, have your fight once we've solved the riddle," as much as I try I can't hold two people back at once I wasn't sure what to do and I could feel myself starting to boil. I step back and let them fight.

"Stop now," the ignore me.

"I'm about to get angry," I say quietly and they separate from each other slowly with fear in their eyes.

"You two fight later. Taurus it's ok now let finish the riddle," Gemini says trying to get a hand in the situation. We all sit down in a circle and try thinking...Again.

"This isn't achieving anything," Leo yells.

"We have no other choice," Aries ays and I feel them starting to argue again.

"Stop it!" I yell and they all turn to me.

Scorpio's POV:

We are all standing around in a circle looking at Virgo's note they don't seem to make much sense to me and I can't see all of them in the darkness.

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