Cubed Chapter 11: Riddle Me This Riddle Me That.

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Capricorns POV:

"What are we going to do? Where are the others?" Libra asks. She looks like she is about to break into tears but we all ignore it because we can tell she is trying her best to hide it.

"It will be ok it's probably just another test, we can pass it," I say trying to keep her calm. She nods and it's quite for a bit as we look around trying to make out anything that might be visible is the dark.

"What kind of test is this being trapped here in the dark?" Scorpio asks understandably annoyed.

"Do you think the others will be able to pass it?" Virgo asks and we all look at each other concerned. Just then they hear a familiar commanding Voice playing through the speakers.

"Zodiac, I assume that you have figured out by now that these are your groups," The Voice says; I feel as though it's mocking us.

"This next test will be a way to truly test just how intelligent you are. Each group will be given a riddle if you solve the riddle you well be able to return to the path and continue your journey through the cube. However, those who fail to complete the riddle will be left behind." The Voice says this and I get an instant wave of fear not just for myself but also for the rest of the zodiacs.

"Give me food and I will live, give me water and I will die. What am I?" the voice said as we gave each other a confused and worried look.

"You have four hours good luck," that was all the Voice said before the dark space we were trapped in fell silent.

Aries POV:

We had just been told a riddle that we had to solve in order to get out.

"What needs food but dies if you give it water?" Leo asks convinced that there was no such thing.

"I don't know, is it even a creature we know about?" Taurus asks as he tries to come to some sort of conclusion.

"A creature, oh I think I know, Voice is it the Skeleton Trace?" I say shivering as I remember the terrifying creature that chased Capricorn and me through the maze.

"No, Aries it is not," the Voice responds and we all sign in disappoint meant.

"Then what is it?" I say as I think out loud.

Aquarius POV:

This is so messed up we've got told a riddle and unless we find it there is no way of getting out.

"Does anyone know what it is?" Sagittarius asks and no one replies.

"How are we going to get out if none knows the answer?" Cancer asks clearly scared.

"It's fine we can come up with the answer, everyone just needs to think for a bit," Sag says and we all starting thinking although I feel like it was more worry than an answer to the riddle.

Capricorns POV:

An hour had passed and we all spread out around the darkness trying to come up with and answer. Virgo was drawing on the dirty ground as he jotted down some dot points that he couldn't even read n the dark. Libra was sitting a little away hugging her legs deep in thought as she tried to wrap her head around the riddle. Scorpio had just walked over from Virgo and sat down next to me.

"What is going on with you and Virgo," he whispered; I can almost see the smirk he has on his face though the darkness.

"What, shouldn't you be thinking about the riddle answer?" I asked and he ignored it.

"You like him, right?" He asked and I reluctantly answered.

"Yeah..." I said sighing.

"Then what are you going to do?" He asked hitting me on the arm in excitement as if his a teenage high schooler that just heard about Adele's Australian tour visit.

"Nothing, I don't know what I'd do?" I say and he rolls his eyes.

"Ugh," he sighs before continuing.

"Just let him know that you actually like him because you always put up a front and are hard to read,"

"how do I do that?" I ask not really wanting to straight up say it to him.

"You don't have to tell him directly just hit it and make hm feel needed. Here's an idea when your walking pretends to trip over then when he helps you up, don't let go of his hand just keep walking then you'll have an excuse to hold hands and he will know you like him," He says feeling like some sort of love doctor.

".......pfft, hahaha, no way I'm going to act like a deserted damsel just to hold a guy's hand," I say unable to contain my laughter.

"This whole conversation is ridiculous," I say still laughing and after looking very confused he starts to laugh too. Virgo hears us laughing and comes over to see what's happening.

"What's so funning? Do you know the riddle answer?" He asks and I quickly stand up.

"Not yet, have you made any progress?" I ask trying to change the subject so he wouldn't ask hat we were laughing at.

"Not yet," He replies starting the back of his head.

"I'll help," I say and we both walk back over to where he was working.

Libra's POV:

I am so scared what happens if we don't solve the riddle? What happens if we lose? The more I think about it the more I scare myself. The next thingI know the dark vision before me goes blurry and I feel a warm sensation run down my cheek. I cover my face with my eyes and although I try to stay quiet Scorpio hers me. I expected him to roll his eyes and ignore me but to my surprise he comes running over.

"Libra, it's all right Capricorn and Virgo are going to solve it," he says gripping my arms and looking it to my eyes.

"Yeah, yeah I know," I say stopping my tears and forcing a smile. He gives me a smile in return and a small laugh at my attempt to hide my fear.

"Come on, lets see if they have made any progress," with that he helps me up and we walk over to the others.

Leo's POV:

"It's been an hour we have to solve this or, or..." I final to finish my sentence and the room falls silent.

"It will be ok just think water dies if it drinks?" Aries asks and I start to lose my patients.

"How is that helping, what do you think I been trying to think of for the past hour?"

"Well, I don't see you doing anything!" Aries screams as he stands and walks over to me. He stands infant of me and we glare at each other.

"Who the hell put you anchorage anyway?" I ask and he pushes me and I stumble backwards.

"Aries!" Gemini calls as she stands from where she was sitting and runs up to us. I can't believe this Ram. I run up to him and push him back too.

"Leo, don't!" Taurus yells and before I know it were throwing punches at each other.


Will they get out? Will Aries and Leo kill each other? What's the answer to this riddle? Write down below which group you think will solve the riddle first and have a crack at solving it yourself without cheating and by that, I mean no turning to google for the answer. Can't wait to tell you what happens next chapter but until then, Cya.

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