Cubed Chapter 10: The Journey Continues

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Sorry I haven't uploaded in a while got really busy. I will try to get back on schedule from now on and you can expect a new chapter in one of my stories every second day.

Libra's POV:

We had all finished eating and under Capricorns control, we set of back up the stairs. As soon as we got there Capricorn sighed in frustration.

"I don't understand how it works," Virgo says and the rest of us arrive at the top of the stairs to see we're back along the path we started on.

"What? How? We were just up these stairs and they led to the music room," I say confused as I look around.

"Someone must be changing them," Scorpio says and Capricorn rolls her eyes.

"Well done Sherlock," she says and Scorpio turns to face her.

"Well then, Nancy Drew what do you think going on?" He asks and she turns to look him in his eyes.

"Right now I don't care what happened. My only priority is getting home," she says calmly and starts to walk along the path. I felt kind of bad for Scorpio but I think he understands that that's just the way Capricorn is, she doesn't mean to hurt anyone. Scorpio is about to follow after her but turns to Virgo first. Virgo is smiling while he watches Capricorn take lead. He immediately storms over to Virgo and hits him on the back of the head.

"Ouch," he says and looks angry until he turns around to see Scorpio is angry and his face quickly fills with fear.

"What are you doing? Go after her!" He whisper screams and Virgo obeys. After Virgo has gone to chase after Capricorn. Scorpio sighs to himself.

"That guy knows nothing about girls," I hear his mumbles and let out a giggle. He hears me and turns around to see who it was laughing. I didn't take him for the matchmaker type.

"Hey, what's so funny?" He screams and it sends a small shiver down my spine.

"Oh! Nothing," I say and run to catch up with Sag and Aqua.

Virgos POV:

Ok, just go and walk next to her, you don't need to actually talk right. After Scorpio's stare down I run after Capricorn and buff up the courage to walk with her. I walk next to her and try to think of what to do next. I feel her eyes on me and look up to see her looking at me very confused. Not knowing what to do I smile and she laughs at me.

"You looked like you were frantically trying to think of something," she says looking back to the path ahead.

"Oh, ah, well," I start to say before getting cut off when the voice started to speak.

"Warning! groups of four will now be decided," the voice says and we look at each other confused.

"I guess that means we just choose whose want to be in a group of four with," I say and Capricorn shrugs.

"Well then, Taurus you can be with Cancer and-" Capricorn starts to put us in groups but gets cut off but the ground shaking. All of a sudden the ground were standing on starts to tilt and turns in to a steep hill that we all fall down.

We land in a dark place with dirt covered grounds. As soon as I hit the ground I stand up to see if Capricorns ok.

"Capricorn! Cap!" I yell. I can't see a thing here.

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