Cubed Chapter 4: take the fall.....

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Leo's POV:

I don't really know why we're all here but I'm not just gonna blend in and go with like everyone else. Capricorn is somehow our designated leader which I don't get at all but I'm not gonna listen to her anyway. I then hear a loud groan from behind me and turn to see Sagittarius on the ground holding her door with Aquarius standing above her laughing. I walk over to see what's going on. I haven't really spoken to Sagittarius before and she seemed a bit spontaneous.

"Heya people what is it we're all laughing at?" I ask standing up straight and proud.

"Nothing! because nothing is funny!" Sagittarius shots.

"Aqua kick me in the chin," she continued.

"Aquarius, why did you do that?" Aries asks walking into the conversation. Ugh, that stupid Ram.

"I think I can sort this out why don't you go back to arguing with the goat or staring at the double," I say before stepping in front of him and turning to the girls.

"Aquarius, why did you do that?" I ask repeating the rams question.

"Um, to check she was real, obviously," she says before skipping away probably to kick someone else. I look away from her to see Aries in front of me putting his hand out to help Sagittarius up. God, when will he get the hint I can do things better. I quickly run forward hold Sagittarius with both my hands as I pull her up of the ground and support her.

"I think we're good here Aries, why do you just move along already?" I say and watch him walk away while rolling his eyes.

"'Tis that Ram," I say out loud without thinking. I then realise that I'm still holding up Sagittarius and I look down to see her staring at me with a funny look on her face.

"Uh sorry, I guess being this close to such a brave lion must be a little bit overwhelming," I say as I let her go.

"Um yeah I guess," she says confused before walking off, just leaving me! As she walked off I could better see the outfit she had changed into. It was a big oversized black t-shirt with shiny black leggings underneath she was also wearing grey woollen fingerless gloves.

"Hey, you can't just walk away from me!" I shout as I walk after her. Then all of a sudden we hear a loud 'ouch!' that sounded a lot like what Sagittarius just said. We all stop and turn to see Taurus bending over holding his chin. He then slowly stands up straight and stares at Aquarius who starts to look scared seeing his expression.

"Taurus don't do it," Capricorn says reaching her hand out to him. Then......

"Ahhhhhh!" Aquarius was screaming running around all over the place as Taurus chased her. Scorpio just stood there laughing and Virgo wasn't much of a fighter. Capricorn however, was running around after them yelling things to Taurus trying to get him to calm down.

"Leo! Aries! One of you hold Taurus back so Aquarius can run and hide in the change rooms!" She calls out to us. Now I'm not one to take orders but when she says this I turn to Aries who is clearly thinking the same thing. When I see him he was looking at me, we exchange a glare before racing into action to see who can catch Taurus first.

"Scorpio, you shouldn't me laughing at her, why don't you help your friend?" Virgo says glaring at the giggling scorpion.

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