Cubed Chapter 17: Start Walking Again...

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Scorpio's POV:

We went straight to bed after eating. I was woken by a loud alarm and opened my eyes to see Cancer in surprise sitting up and Taurus hiding his head under his pillow. I got up and out of the tent to see whats going on. When I got out I saw Capricorn was exiting her room too. 

"What's going on?" I screamed over the loud alarm.
"I don't know! It must be the voice!" She screamed as we covered her ears everyone else started to come out and then the alarm stopped and the voice started to talk.

"Good morning contestants. I think it's about time you start walking again," It said, god I hate its smug voice.

"But Leo is still too weak to walk," Capricorn argued and the ground started to shake. It rose up and as it got higher the world went dark, but when we went even higher than that the world went light again and we found ourselves back on the path. I look around and we were all confused and silent.

"I guess this means we're walking," Capricorn sighs.

"What about Leo he can't walk," Sagittarius says and Capricorn is hesitant to answer.

"Um, I don't know, maybe we can take turns carrying him," she says shrugging as she struggles to come up with a solution.

"It's okay," we hear a voice say from behind me and turn to see Leo standing up and slowly walking out of the room.
"It's okay, I can walk," he says.

"Are you sure?" Capricorn asks and he nods giving a smile.

"Sagittarius, Virgo and Leo, you guys should get a head start while we pack up here," Capricorn says and Leo and Sagittarius start to walk, but Virgo stays back to talk to Capricorn.

"Why, do I have to go with them?" He asks whining.

"If something happens to Leo he will need you there," Capricorn says and he snaps back.

"Yeah, and if something happens to you'll-" Capricorn cuts him off.

"Don't worry when were done packing up it won't take long for us to get there. Leo can't walk that quickly," she says and Virgo sighs.

"You did well when you were treating him," Capricorn says sincerely.
"Thanks," Virgo says smiling back.

"Now go on, catch up to the others," she says hitting him on the arm and he walks over to the others. We fished packing up and put everything in our bags. Capricorn wanted to take advantage of the supplies we had so we made sure to pack everything. We set off down the path. I was walking with Capricorn up front but then saw Libra by herself and decided to talk to her.

"Hey, why are you by yourself?" I ask.

"Oh, I was just lost in thought. I think everyone is after what we've been through," she says sighing. I saw it before but now It's even clearer.
"You weren't happy about killing the Skeleton Traces, were you?" I asked and she sighed.
"No, I wasn't. I know they were trying to kill us and everything, but still, they were living," she said slowly in a quiet voice.
"Yeah, I understand," I say and we walk the rest of the way in silence.

Leo POV:
I was walking slowly with one arm around Virgo and one arm around Sag. The wound on my stomach ached every time I stepped but I didn't want to hold us back anymore then I had. I kept my mouth shut until we arrived at our next destination. As we walk along the path we come across another staircase 

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