Cubed Chapter 18: What Happened On The Other Side Of The Door???

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Pisces POV:

Taurus finished reading the letter and they ran to the door. I put down all the medical stuff I was holding back in the box. Scorpio looked back and saw I was behind.

"Pisces, come on, let's go!" He calls out to me and I starting making my way toward the door, but it closes before I get there. I was just going to press the button like Taurus did, but then I heard a sound behind me. When I turned I saw the other doors in the room open and there was something on the other side. I couldn't see them properly and as soon as I did see them I started calling out for help.
"What? What happened? Let me out! help!" I called as I banged on the door. The things were tall and fully white with the exception of their black faces. The door closed as soon as Scorpio opened the other one. He saw me on the floor and leant down to see if I was okay.

"Pisces it's okay, you just had to press the button," He says looking at me concerned and I try to stutter out an explanation.

"But, there was, the door, they," was all a managed to say.

"It's fine, let's just get out of here and go to the others," Scorpio says helping me up and we walk down the stairs. When we reached the bottom everyone was readying to carry Leo up the stairs. Cancer looked at us and we must have seemed shaken up.
"Did something happen?" He asks and Scorpio answers.

"No, there was just a problem with the door," he says before making his way towards the others to help. I, however, walk in the opposite direction and sit down away from the others to think.

Gemini's POV:

There was deferentially something wrong with Pisces so I went over to talk to him.
"Pisces, are you ok?" ask and he looks up at me startled.

"Oh, ah, yeah," he says smiling at me with sad eyes.

"Tell me what's wrong?" I ask and he seems hesitant to tell me.

"It's okay, you tell me," I say as I sit down next to him and he starts to open up about what he saw. He silently in a whispered voice tells me what he saw when the door shut.

"I was in the room and ran over to the Scorpio at the door when suddenly shut in front of me. I Was just going to open it with the button, but then I heard a sound behind me. When I turned around the other doors in the room were opening. On the other side of them, I saw these big white things on the other side with black faces. They were far away so I can't be sure what they looked like, but the were tall. I froze I didn't know what to do. The next thing I know Scorpio opened the door behind me but the things were gone. He asked what happened but I was too scared to say and he probably just thought I just a wimp," he says laughing at himself.

"No, your not a wimp, I think we should tell Capricorn," I say and stand up to get her.

"No, wait," he cries grabbing my arm.

"I don't want to tell anyone lets just leave it as it is," He says and I take a breath ready to protest. He can't just not tell anyone about this, but then again it's his secret to tell not mine. It has to be his choice.

"*Sigh* fine, but you will need to tell someone eventually," I say and we walk back to the others.

Virgos POV:

Leo had just woken up and was still kind of drowsy. Taurus, Libra, Scorpio and Pisces helped him walk up the stairs into the medical room. They said there were instructions with the medical supplies so I think they will be okay when it comes to looking after Leo. Everyone else was standing around the bottom of the stairs in silence.

"Why couldn't I go with them?" Sagittarius asks as she glares at the staircase.

"You know why. The Voice said it had to be the original four," Capricorn answers and I hear Sagittarius sigh.

"What are we meant to do now?" Cancer asks from close behind us as we were all still standing around the ladder. His question brings us back down to earth and I look towards Capricorn for an answer. She looks back at Cancer and then looked towards me. I guess she didn't have one.

"I think we just have to wait," she says and we all look towards one another. We were still in this weird place and I guess just waiting around seemed bit restless, never the less, it was what we had to do.

Taurus POV:

Scorpio and I had just entered the room. Leo was starting to drift off as we had him hanging over our shoulders and we start to drop him.

"Wow, Leo, Leo," I called trying to wake him up. Pisces came out in front of us and pushed his shoulders up. He then lifted his legs and we carried him over to the bed. I noticed Pisces looked a little tense as we walked further into the room, but Scorpio took no notice of it so I just ignored it.

"Libra can you get that blanket?" Scorpio asks and the air sigh runs across the room and returns with a blanket we take it and put it over Leo trying to make him as comfortable as possible.

"Leo, how you feeling? Are you alright?" Scorpio asks peering into his face.

"Fine," Leo mumbles his eye slightly open. We all started looking through the instructions of when to give him medicine and then started to look around the room.

Capricorn POV:

We had all sat down at the bottom of the stairs. I was sitting in a circle with Virgo and Cancer.

"How long do you think they'll be up there?" Cancer asks looking a little nervous.

"I don't know, but it takes a lot of time for wounds to heal," Virgo says and I look up at him in surprise.

"How long is a long time?" I askant he shrugs.

"I don't really know for sure, but it's been about two days and his wound still looks painful," he says as Cancer looks between the two of us.

"Do you think will be here a while?" I ask deep in thought.

"Maybe a couple of days," Virgo replies and I nod. If were going to be here overnight we should set up the sleeping bags.

"I think we should set up camp," I say standing up and start to unpack one of the fabrics we used for rooms before. Virgo agreeing with me stands up and does the same while Cancer goes to tell the others.

I know not much happened this chapter, but I promise it will get better soon. Until next chapter, Cya!

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