Cubed Chapter 20: Lost...

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Virgo's POV:

I had just got a spark for the fire and quickly put some dry leaves on it. There were a lot of dead leaves around much like the amount you would see in Autumn. I look up and also notice that the tree leaves are all crinkle up crimson red and orange as the light wind blows them to the ground.

"That's weird isn't it summer," I whisper put my confusion and cold breeze of wind comes snatching me out of my thoughts and drawing my attention back to the fire. I better get it a light quickly if it's getting colder. I had never really lit a fire before. I kind of figured that Capricorn has started heaps of fires. I don't mean that in a creepy way, but judging by the way she acted when I suggested a fire. She seemed as though she thought knowing how to light a fire was common knowledge and that everyone had done it. I'm not sure how impressed she'd be to know I've only done it once.

"So, you managed to lit the fire then," I hear a familiar voice call from behind me and turn to see Capricorn standing there with a pile of sticks in her arms and a smug smirk on her face.

"Yeah, I got," I reply turning back to the fire smiling. She sits down next to me putting down her pile of sticks. I take some and add them to the fire as she sits there silently.

"What's on your mind this time," I ask and she gives a somewhat sad smile.

"I'm jus a bit confused. This whole time I thought the voice was our enemy," she says thinking.
"Well, it is, isn't it?" I ask starting to get a bit confused myself.
"Yeah, but at the beginning, it was telling us that we'd be fighting for our lives and may end up turning on each other. If that's what the voice wanted then why did it get the medical centre for Leo and why did it tell us to sleep here because it's safer than the bridge?" She asks letting some of the many questions that were floating about in her head out. All I can do is sit there and think.

"What do you mean? Is it on our side?" We hear a voice say and quickly turn to see who it is. It was Leo. I forgot he was sitting there.

"Well, you said it, explain!" He demands as he starts to get worried.

"We don't know Leo, but we are going to try and figure it out," Capricorn says and he starts to calm down.

"Okay," he says resting his backup ageists the tree.
"You can't tell the others though, it will only scare them," Capricorn says and he sighs.


Gemini's POV:

We were wandering around the woods looking for sticks for the fire. Aries was a bit upset I decided to ask him why.

"Hey, what's wrong?" I ask and he looks at me with a sad smile.

"I guess I really haven't been doing much to help. I made fun of Capricorn and Virgo trying to help and then I complained about not haven a cabin, tis', because that's really a priority," he says looking down and shaking his head as he laughs at himself. I put my hand on his shoulder and give him a smile.

"I don't think any of us know what the priority is because none of us really understand what's going on," I say and he looks up at me seeming surprised.

"Whatever this place is, I think it just uses different ways to make us feel bad about ourselves," I continued and he smiled at me.

"Let's get the rest of this wood back so they have something to put on the fire," I say and after I call for the others we all head back to the camp spot. When we arrive Capricorn, Virgo and Leo are sitting around the fire with serious facial expression inebriating the atmosphere.

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