Cubed Chapter 22: Finding The Exit (Final Chapter!!!)

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Aquarius POV:

After finding something to draw on and draw with we start to map out the way to go.

"I was just walking straight in this direction and then when I riled how far I had gone I turned left a bit," Sagittarius says squinting as she searches through her memories. We finish drawing out the map and I put it down while we wait for the others to get back.

Pisces POV:

I quickly run to update the others on what's going in.

"What? We're going home tomorrow?" Libra asks in shock.

"Yeah, Sagittarius and Aquarius are drawing a map now," I say and everyone looks at each other as they try to process what it happening. Then, after coming to terms with the situation they all let out a cheer.

"This time tomorrow we'll be back home," Aries cries and everyone smiles.

"Let's make sure we're ready to leave first thing tomorrow," Taurus says and they all split up to start packing.

Leo's POV:

Capricorn explains what's been going on as Virgo checks my wounds. We're finally going home. just then Pisces walks in.

"I've told theaters and everyone is getting ready," he says with a somewhat relieved smile on his face. We all sit down and eat some of the packed food the voice gave us before and then go to bed while we try our best o hold back our excitement.

Capricorns POV:

It's the morning after we decided on looking for the exit. Everyone got up early and has packed up their sleeping bags. We're ready to go. We follow the map silently through the bush and everything is very tense. Just then.

"Wahhh!" *THUD* Panicked we all quickly turn to where the noise came from.

"Sorry, sorry, I slipped," I let out I sigh when I see Taurus helping Cancer up off the ground. I look up at Virgo standing next to me and let out a small laugh at the scene.

"Way to ruin the mood," Scorpio yells and we all laugh.

"Sorry, sorry," he says smiling as he brushes the dirt off his pants before continuing to walk. The air feeling less tense everyone starts up their own conversations as we follow Sagittarius and Aquarius through the bush.

"What do you think is going to happen once we exit, like, will there be a bunch of people there with guns telling to go back in, or will there be a bunch of news reporting telling us they've been waiting there for days, or maybe a bunch of soldiers here to rescue us, what if this is only half the battle? What if once we get out there is only another problem?" Going over all of the possibilities I start to have a mental freakout that's when I suddenly feel someone hold my hand. I look down at my hand and then up at Virgo. He is looking straight ahead in silence and I stare up at him as we continue to walk. He turns to face me and his eyes look sincere as he speaks.

"I promise to make sure you're safe," he says as serious as ever.

"You too, right?" I say worried he will go too far for me only to end up being in danger himself. He just gives me a weak smile before walking straight ahead again.

Aries POV:

As we walk through the woods on our way to the exit Gemini and I exchange stories about our families. She has a sister two years younger than her and they always fight. I kinda wish I had something uplifting like hate say about my family. I'm an only child and my mother is all I have. I tell her about how she works so hard and I can see it in her eyes that she cares. The topic changes over time. We chat about as we walk through the forest, all of a sudden everyone in front of us stops and we look over to see what happened. There in the middle of the woods is a door. It's standing upright and has no wall around it. It's labeled exit.

"Is this some sort of joke?" I ask generally unsure of what's going on.

"There isn't even a wall how can it be an exit?" I ask and we all start to circle around the door before finding ourselves back in front of it. To reinforce my argument I quickly pull the door open to be greeted with a bright glow. I slowly stop back and stand there in shock. Capricorn does another circle around the door.

"How is that? What the?" she mutters out as she tries to comprehend what's happening.

"No way," she says as we all stare into the light. The light fills the whole door leaving no part of the frame unbathed by the mystical glow.

"Is it magic?" Gemini asks throwing any theory into the air.
"No, I think the glow looks artificial," Virgo says and I think I agree.

"Here," Scorpio say pick up a stick and throwing it into the light.

"It didn't' come out the other side," Aquarius says amazed at what she sees.

"You guys know what we have to do, right?" Capricorn asks after being quite for some time now.

"You mean we have to go through it?" Taurus asks. and we all exchange worried looks.

"Okay then," he says as he walks up to the light.

"Taurus, what are you doing?" Cancer asks worked as he clings onto his sleeve.

"We all have to go through anyway, might as well get it over and done with," he says as he avoids looking into Cancers pleading eyes. He takes a step forward toward the light.

"Wait!" Cancer says before slowly taking his hand and standing beside him. Taurus stares at him in shock as he gives a weak smile and his eyes start to water. Taurus looks around at all of us before meeting eyes with Capricorn and giving her a nod. She nods back and then they jump into the light together. There is silence for a moment and then we all turn back to our appointed leader.

"you're going to make me jump trough that thing, aren't you?" Virgo says and Capricorn smiles as she puts his hand in hers. They both look around as if using their eyes to speak. before stepping through the door.

Gemini's POV:

I don't want to go through, but I want to get it over and done with. I look up at Aries as I tug on his sleeves and without words, I tell him I want to go together.

"Wait, we'll go next," I say and Scorpio steps back allowing us to go. I look up at Aires one last time before stepping through the door. I let the light consume me before it all turns to darkness. I hear a loud recurring noise.

*Bip, Bip, Bip, Bip*

I open my eyes and give them time to adjust to the light. I slowly turn my head towards the noise and see that it's my alarm clock there to awake me from my peaceful slumber. I turn it off and slowly heave myself up of the bed and put my feet on the floor. It's all normal. I'm in my room. Was it a dream...

Was it? Maybe? All I'm going to say is that there is a sequel. It won't be here for a while because I want to write it all and post it at once that way you don't have to wait. The sequel shows some big plot twist so be sure to stick around for it. To make sure you get updated on it make sure you follow me that way when I put out the message to say it's up you won't miss it. I really hope you enjoyed reading this story. That's all for this book. Cya...

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