Cubed Chapter 7: Will We Make It

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Capricorn's POV:

We were walking around the maze following the map. We hand just turned the last corner looked ahead to see a tall ladder in the distance bolted to the cliff face. We could hear voices in the distance and look up to the top of the ladder. Right there at the the top of the ladder we saw the other contestants waving at us we exchanged a glance and wave back. We then started to run towards the ladder with big, excited smiles on our faces. Then....

All of a sudden we hear a familiar roar. Aries and I stopped running and looked at each other.

"I thought it was dead," I say and he doesn't give a reply. We then hear our friends telling us to run and realise it must be close if they can see it. We start running again and it jumps out from around the corner behind us. We keep running without looking back to see it. Aries reaches the ladder first and starts to climb, he cuts his leg on the way up and stops going, there is no room for me.

"Aries you need to keep going your it will get both of us," and with that, he starts to limp up the ladder. I can still hear the others screaming above us. He climbs up the ladder and there is enough room for me on it, but the Skeleton Trace is charging towards the cliff face with no sign of stopping.

"Aries! If we stop here it will squash us we need to keep going!" I shout and he tries his best to climb faster. We get a little higher up the ladder just in time for it to run into the unused ladder area underneath me. It must still be hurt because after charging the wall it just lies there. We both let out a sigh of relief.

"We're okay!" I yell up to the others and we continue up the ladder.

Scorpio's POV:

They reach the top and Gemini quickly runs over to hug. Capricorn gets up from the ladder and Virgo immediately hugs her. She looks weak and sore I think she's been hurt, I then make my way towards Aries and punch him. He's the reason she got hurt, it was his fault. He falls to the ground,

"What the hell Scorpio?" Gemini yells at me as she helps Aries back up he glares at me and is about to hit me back.

"Just let him go, Aries, Remember you did kinda course me to fall down a cliff, get beat up by a Skeleton Trace, and get knocked unconscious twice," she says silencing the Ram and he walks away. Gemini helps him with his wounds using one of the first aid kits and Taurus goes to see if Capricorn is alright.

"You good?" He asks bluntly,

"I'm good," she replies and they hug each other While Virgo glares at Taurus. Taurus finishers the hug and walks away, Virgo runs after him and start to interrogate him about what his relationship with Capricorn is. I walk up to Capricorn to say hello and see if she is alright after her big adventure.

"Well, Well, Well, if it isn't the boxer," she says glaring at me and I scratch the back of my head embarrassed.

"Haha, yeah," I say awkwardly.

"You shouldn't of hit him," she says still glaring at me.

"I know, sorry," I reply.

"I also heard you were fighting with Taurus," she says still killing me with her glare and I don't reply.

"Seems like you've done nothing but cause trouble while I was gone,"

"Hey that's not true I kinda made things okay with Virgo," I say in an attempt to earn some brownie points.

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