Cubed Chapter 13: Back On The Path...

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Libra's POV:

We had been walking about a hour and had just been told to go up the stairs we came across. Wen we reach the top of the stair case there was a table filled to the brim with food; it was as if we had walked into a grand 18th century buffet. We all ran in excited an hungry Capricorn took the last seat which was at the end of the table next to me and across from Taurus and Cancer.

"Where's Virgo?" I asked confused because I thought they'd want to sit together.

"He's, ah, busy," she says cringing and we turn to see him at the other end of the table filling his plate with food. we both laugh at the usually composed earth sign as he struggles to hold everything on his plate.

"I think he might be angry," Cancer jokes from the other side of the table and we laugh again. It was hard to stop smiling in the generally happy atmosphere around us.

"Hey, Cap!" Scorpio called from the other end of the table.
"Wanna chocolate? there are only three!" He called, she stood up holding her hands out ready to catch it.

"Yes, please!" He throws it and she caught it with a smile on her face.

"Thank you!" She called back and was about to sit down.

"Oh, yum," I say seeing the chocolate in her hand. She hears me speak and looks down towards me. I'm still a little wary of Capricorn, she can be a bit harsh sometimes. The next thing I know she's calling back own the table to Scorpio.

"Can Libra have the other one?"

"What, Cap no," I whisper shout before turning to face Scorpio at the other end of the table. He looked down at the two chocolates in his hand and then looked at me. I gave a nerves smile.

"Sure," he says smiling genuinely throwing Capricorn another Chocolate and then she passed it to me.
"Thank you!" I called out to him and he smiled again. I look towards Capricorn who has placed her chocolate on her plate saving it for last and then she started eating her other food.

"Cap, you r close with Scorpio, right?" I ask. and she gives me a curious look before swallowing her food and answering.

"I guess, I mean we are friends, well if you qualify constant bickering as friendship," she says reminiscing the long list of arguments that they have had in the short time they have known each other.

"Why do you like him?" She asks and her sudden question catches me off guard.

"What you like Scorpio, that's so cute," Cancer says from across the table before I know it Taurus joins in too.

"You should tell him,"

"What, no, well, I don't know," I say shyly and Capricorn lets out a small giggle. I swear, sometimes she really does sound like some wise old samurai. Next, she'll be giving me advice.

"Here's what you should do," Oh, there it is,

"When your walking pretends to trip over next to him, if he doesn't help you up he doesn't like you but if he does help you up, don't let go of his hand just keep walk," she says with some sort of hidden smile in her eyes.

"Why didn't you give me that advice?" Taurus wights from across the table.

"Well, I've only just received it myself," she says looking very smug. Just then Virgo and Scorpio come over form the other end of the table.

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